[Random Thoughts]
[Ensign Ennui's Voyager Page]

A Day in the Life:
A collection of parodies
Welcome to Random Thoughts. I am Ensign Ennui, your host. This site was inspired by my favorite show, (say it together now) Star Trek Voyager. My passion for Voyager is so complete, so all consuming, that I find myself thinking about it all the time. I wonder "Could Chakotay's spirit guide tell me where to get the best Thai food?", or "Which long distance provider would Tom Paris use?", or even "Would B'Elanna order a double tall skinny Latte or a extra chocolate Mocha with whip?" These questions needed answers!

So, to lighten the burden on my soul (and at the request of my therapist), I started writing. This web site is the result. Take a look through the various selections to the left. When you get done, please tell me what you think! Like most trekkies, I long to have conversations with someone other than the voices in my head. Thanks!

Update March 7, 1999: I've got a new parody for ya'll, Oblivion II: The Morning After. My apologies to any one who liked it but, never have I seen an episode as worthy of being parodied as Oblivion. I hope you enjoy my spin on it!

Updated January 28, 1999: I'm almost embarrased to say this, it's taken me so long but Part II of "The Unexpected Soul" is done. Please don't throw anything at me.

Updated (Finally!) October 27, 1998: I know you'll find this hard to believe, but, I have something new for you. It's a new fairy tale - Harry and Gretel. Yes, it's a parody of Hansel and Gretel. You remember that one, right? If not, maybe you should get yourself a nice copy of the Brother's Grimm...

Grim Fairy Tales:
Think Mother Goose meets Voyager
Don't Laugh!
Really, I mean it!
Ode to Ensign Kim
A page devoted to why I think Harry is so very...
Ensign Ennui?
Well, if you really must know...
Funny Pages
Trek sites that give me a chuckle.

[See Jane frown...] < This is your brain

This is your brain on Voyager >

Any questions?
[See Jane wave!]
Thanks for visiting!
Please send ANY comments you have, I don't get out much!

Pictures from The Delta Quadrant
You are visitor number

Y'all come back, y'hear!

Disclaimer: Star Trek (any of them) for money is a Paramount thing. Random Thoughts is all for fun (no $$$, do you see what I'm getting at?). Although I'm not sure Paramount approves of what I do with THEIR characters, I don't think they would bother to stop me. If you'd like to use something I've written (though I'm not sure why you would... ), please ask me first.