~o The Washington Monument in Washington D.C. during the Cherry Blossom Festival of 2005 o~

Hello! I've got a few sites currently hidden here, so, just click the one you want to see to visit it. Websites taken down or lost during my early years of learning html and webdesign have not been listed.

~o Ricken Leroux - A website my brother Charles and I decided to start up to bring the family closer together online. There currently isn't much up but when I have the time it will be a password protected community website.

~o Outer Banks Hotels - A hotel directory website for hotels in the Outer Banks of North Carolina. A project still in the works, but unfortunately had to be postponed due to school.

~o There In Person - There is a game that I have a lifetime membership to. It's a virtual world and glorified chatroom. My website hosts pictures and profiles of people in the game.

~o Feline Hope Animal Shelter - We donated a website in exchange for a feral cat. The cat ran away but we keep this site up anyway just because its 100x better than what they had before. I like it--its simple and cute.

~o The Sims City Guides (SCG) - This website is for an old favorite game of mine The Sims Online. The site is a property directory for all the cities in the game. Chris did the search and site architecture for it, and helped me with the store. I don't keep it updated anymore but its a nice site.

~o Save the Cows - A joke site I had to write for my Writing for CIS class in the Spring of 2002. I put a website together one night in the Summer of 2002.

~o Hotel Travel Reservations (HTR) - A project that came up around April 2001)We worked on this project for a while, but decided that taking care of having a steadier job was more important. It was a good test.

~o Riverside Regional High School - I made the school's website at the end of 2001. It's a nice little site, using the resources available of course. Nice, clean.. I like it. Green, plue and gray are the RRHS's colors, and they wouldn't match so I did it on white. I created this site during my senior year at RRHS.

~o The Second Layer : Beyond the Subconscious - Something I came up with in October of 2000. I had this new website idea that I wanted to make, but I changed my mind right after writing up the first page.

~o Another World - An extensive site on new age stuff. All the texts come completely from the top of my head, so I imagine you can kind of call it my Book of Shadows, although that's not really what it is. Some creepy phase after my alien one (too bad that site was deleted by geocities), written during the summer 1999 and a little until January 2000. This is the first site I played with CSS.

Last updated June 1st 2005
Tracy Ricken