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After walking along the windswept, craggy coastline for hours, your clothing beaded with ocean spray carried by the wind chilling you. With only the seabirds for company you press onward knowing that the only promise of a warm dry evening is reaching your goal. Finally your efforts are rewarded when you see ahead and above you a mighty stone castle which can only be Ghostkeep! Legendary starting point for Adventurers and Heroes in search of fortune, glory and truth. You wrap your cloak tightly about yourself, covering your worn but well kept armor, and climb up the narrow path leading to the main gate as eagles soar around you, challenging you with their raucous cries. Arriving at the gate,and hitching your shield across your back into a more comfortable position, you can hear the sound of Celtic Music and merrymaking coming from inside. The smell of freshly baked bread and roasting meat reminds you how long it's been since you've eaten. A guard peers down from the battlement and, seeing that you are a fellow adventurer in need of shelter, waves a welcome to you. As the drawbridge lowers he shouts to you to get the torch below to light your way to the Main Hall. You take the torch and stepping through the gate....

Come back soon - I am glad that you stopped by for a visit!