
"Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faithless coward," President Bush said. "Freedom will be defended." 9/11/2001
Important Update!
Oct 22, 2002
- All the pages I have should contain the latest and most up-to-date information. The Frame Version of the site has all most all the pages open. The Non-Frame Version has just the basic ones open. So have fun looking over everything.
- I have thought about a FAQ page, but no one has had a question. But that shouldn’t stop you from asking a question. So if you have a computer question, software question, and/or website question, you can write me at sub-zero.c@lycos.com. Also if you need to talk about things of Jesus, Love, or something that is troubling you, just e-mail me. I want to help you.
- Besides working on my site and I have been working on a friend’s site. Please go and check out LeeAnn’s Homepage. I am also the creator of Tolaria Web Page Builder®
End of Update
"Choose your destiny!"
But it is your choice. Choose it wisily.
It is your choice.
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