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Ghosts are perhaps the most intriguing of all the paranormal phenomena. Just what is a ghost? There are many ideas to explain ghosts. The most enduring has been that they are the earthbound souls of those who have died. I like to think that ghosts are not "souls" at all, but more or less recordings of events. Therefore, I tend to make distinctions between what people normally lump into this category.
Relived Events: This is probably the most common type of "ghost". What, I believe, actually occurs is that an event has such import in a person's life that the psychic energy is left behind after the actual event. Most ghost stories deal with ghosts which constantly year after year perform the same tasks or movements. This repetitive motion would indicate that the "ghost" is not an entity with a consciousness at all, but rather the impression of psychic energy long since passed away. Thus, a "ghost" in this sense is not aware of the physical world and unable to react to or with it.
Internal Psychic Awareness: Many "ghosts" appear to bring news or warnings. However, in many cases I think that the "ghost" is actually a manifestation of a person's own psychic awareness of danger, or imminent events. The "ghost" is simply a tool the mind uses to produce a phenomenon which cannot be dismissed as "nerves" or "intuition".
True Visitations: Ghosts which interact with friends or loved ones in a real time sense may indeed be "souls". However, I do not feel that these are "trapped" or "lost" souls, but rather that the eternal love felt by the person who has made the transition to the non-physical allows him/her to relate important information or guidance to the living. Most of these "ghosts" appear in dreams and are normally not reported as "ghosts" per se.
Poltergeists ("noisy ghosts") are an interesting class of phenomena in that they don't readily fit any of my above categories. Many have been explained away as pent up psychic energy and/or rage or the psychic energy produced by teens at a time when their bodies undergo extreme changes.
However, this explanation does not always fit the situation. I have had personal experience with a fairly benign poltergeist at a National Park Service visitor center. He is known as "Bob" and is normally rather quiet except for the occasional prank. "Bob" is not known for extreme poltergeist behaviour such as floating objects, painful pinches or bumps, or loud rappings or writing. However, he does make his presence known by whistling (normally about two feet above the front desk), moving objects about empty rooms, resetting videocassette recorders to rewind or fast forward, opening and closing doors, and footsteps.
It has been quietly suggested that "Bob" is a former superintendant of this National Park who was quite attached to it. If this is the case, then Bob could possibly be a combination of all three of the above explanations. This would allow for his interaction with the physical world, his non-physical manifestation, and his ability to let his opinion about subjects relating to the park be known.
It was this last ability which convinced me of "Bob's" presence. During a visit by NPS officials the removal of an historic building was discussed. During the talks which took place in the auditorium, I manned the front desk as a volunteer. Suddenly an entire display in the bookstore came tumbling down. I went and reorganized the shelves and returned to my position across the room. Just as I sat down the items flew off the shelf and into the middle of the floor some five feet from the wall. It was not possible that the shelf simply shifted since the items landed so far out into the room. Just after I heard the whistling which always indicated "Bob's" presence. I spoke firmly to the air: "Bob, they won't do anything with the cabin, calm down." In a moment the whistling stopped and the items on the shelf stayed put when I reorganized them.
Empathetic Energies
Have you ever been walking in a place and suddenly had a very strong emotional reaction? If you have you probably have tapped into what, I believe, "makes" ghosts. I have been fortunate to be able to detect strong emotional/psychic energy in certain places. Normally this takes the form a strong emotional response on my part. I'm not sufficiently trained or experienced to detect subtle energy, I more or less must be hit with a brickbat to feel it, however it is there.
I hope one day to develop this talent further so that I will be able to read even small amounts of residual energy in a place.
is a superb book by Nancy Roberts on ghosts in North and South Carolina.
While much of her work in this area is of the folklore variety, it is interesting
reading and if you are in the area these spots can provide you with some
ideas on exploring "haunted" places. In any sense, it is a wonderful
afternoon read and something young folks will heartily enjoy. Click
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Last modified on Wednesday, March 18, 1998