Welcome to the my newly revamped Beast Wars section. Here everything is a lot easier to access, and presented to you in a more visually appealing way. Not to mention there is now more pictures, episode synopsis, and information for you to sink your teeth into. Enjoy!!
The Emmy-winning television show is now in it's third season. Featuring Optimal Optimus fighting the now Transmetal 2 Megatron and his small band of predacons, the show carries on the proud story line that was started in the mid-eightie's by "Transformers".
The Beast Wars toy line premiered in October of 1995, with the first intial batch of six. Now it's 1999 and the fifteenth year of Transformers and Hasbro is coming out with over thirty new toys!
Want to find some pictures of the newest characters, or some of the older character's new body? Well you've come to the right place. I have a large collection, and it's ready for your eyes.
The Multimedia section contains at least one sound for each character and some movies for a few of them.
Take The Challenge
Below are two Beast Wars Quizes I've created a placed here. If people enjoy them enough I'll get more with more questions. If you do enjoy them please email me at bantor@usa.net. Enjoy!!