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Bluestar's Vortex

Date: Item:
5/12/99 I've updated the Beast Wars Picture Gallery with the new Blackarachnia pic and some logos.
5/24/99 I've updated and included the Beast Wars Toy list on the Beast Wars Toys main page. It's updated for the rest of the line, including this year's Botcon exclusives. Speaking of Botcon, is anyone out there going this year? If you are email me at bantor@usa.net and tell me. I'd like to be able to say hi to some people there.
6/11/99 Whoa, finally found some time to update the page. The problem write now is my usually computer has broken down and I have to use my dad's. I get only short periods of time to do what I need and absolutely no resources to do it with. Anyhow, I've updated the Beast Wars Neo page with information on the two late toys to the series; Survive and Killer Punch.
7/16/99 For everybody who is unable to go to Botcon I am posting a live report starting tonight at 9:00 Central Standard Time. Then again on Saturday at 11:15 am, 2:00 pm, 6:00 pm. And finally on Sunday at 1:00 pm before I leave for home. The report will be on the Botcon page inside the Beast Wars page. Hope to have you all there. Also, I will be having a Botcon chat at 7:00 pm Saturday night. Bye.
7/16/99 Botcon live report has been started at the Botcon page.
7/17/99 Botcon live report has been updated.
7/18/99 The report today will be postponed until hopefully only nine. Due to the lack of hotels on my lack home, I won't be able to see all of the voice actor panel. Thanks for you understanding.

Welcome to the Vortex. If this is your first time I hope you enjoy what I have to offer from the Beast Wars, South Park, Music, Animorphs, and Calvin and Hobbes section.


Animorphs is up with what you need to know on Toys.

Beast Wars

Beast War is up with every little detail you need to know if you are a master fan, like me.

Beast Wars Neo!

Toy List

Beast Wars 2
Toy List

Here's the Beast Wars Japan section with information on the toys and soon to come, reviews.

Item: Status:
Optimus Minor, Scarem, Sonar Entered Canada
Cheetor 2, Dinobot, Ramulus Entered Canada
Jake, Rachel, Marco, Tobias Entered Canada
Aximili, Visser Three Entered Canada
Cybershark Has not entered Canada
Transmetal Rattrap Wal-Mart Exclusive Entering Canada
Cassie Unavailable in Canada
Jake/Bear Unavailable in Canada

Once all of these have become available I'll start on the next shift of toys.

Right now in celebration of the Vortex's first year I'm ripping apart the website and revamping it all. Animorphs was first, Beast Wars was second, Calvin and Hobbes are now third, and then next South Park.

South Park

Check out South Park, this page will be complete soon with sounds, pictures, episode list and characters.


A place for the lounge lizards at heart, with my Anicalvinwars chatroom and a juke-box playing some music you might want to sit back and relax in this place.

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