Some call it Armaggedon.
The Christians call it Judgement Day;
The Garou call it the Apocalypse;
Among Mages, it is named Asension;
To Immortals, it is known simply as the Gathering.


Now is that time.

A time when ancient powers reawaken and walk among the modern. A time when forgotten prophecies are fullfilled. It is a time of discord; a time of great struggle and conflict. It is a time of mystery; a time of treachery and distortion.

Welcome to Revelations.


For those of you who are World of Darkness junkies like me, you find that sometimes the standard rules and scenarios aren't enough. Well, a friend of mine (Dane Sizemore) and I decided that we needed to push the envelope and see what would happen. Please note that all of the info here is unofficial (of course). We will not reproduce any info out of their books- merely use what they've created to our advantage. Our greatest thanks go to the creators at White Wolf, and this site in no way is meant to take away from the wonderful work which they have produced.


What we've created is quite wacky. For those of you hard core rules-mongers, you should quickly find another site! Those of you who are looking for something different, please enjoy.

Imagine wrapping the three major titles by White Wolf together- Werewolf, Vampire, and Mage. Then add in an unofficial White Wolf system (Highlander) and spice this combination up with some high technology. We're not through yet though, as if that wasn't crazy enough, lets bring this combination into undiscovered territory- the future. More specifically, the end of the world. . .

What follows is a general outline of the world of Revelations. Storytellers feel free to pick and choose. We certainly have!

World Events
Role of WOD Systems

Special thanks to John Sandruck for his incredible design skills- visit his site by merely clicking on his photo!

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World Events

United States
South America

Part One: World Events

A. Rise of the "People's Moral Choice" Party (PMC)
After much public criticism over partisan poltics in the American government and several failed attempts at change (campaign reform, third parties such as Libertarians and United We Stand), a new political force develops, which begins to correct many long-term problems inside the beltway.

This new political party, the "People's Moral Choice" Party (PMC) is based on uniting Americans based on commonly held beliefs,regardless of political party. At first, the PMC is seen as simply an offshoot of the radical right; however, after (insert your event of choice) and under the skilled and charasmatic leadership of (your choice of name), the PMC begins to become a strong influence, and is seen as something unrelated with other radical political groups. In the 2000 elections, the PMC enters many major elections, including the race for the White House that will usher in the 21st century. The PMC manages to split the vote, and win voters away from both the Deomcrats and the GOP, winning the White House. The new president, (insert name), the first black president, begins immediately to vocalize his political agendas. With the Oval Office and strong support in Congress, the PMC quickly begins to correct many problems facing the US, including the budget and social problems.

For the first time in almost fifty years, a spirit of optimism is again seen in the US. However, within six months, the President is asassinated. The Vice President, Thomas Wendon, is sworn in, but instead of continuing the reform and progress, he seizes on the unity and shock felt among the American people to slowly, gradually, almost imperceptively, change the US government and society. His changes begin to isolate and constrict the US, under the guise of preventing such horid crimes (the assasination) and looking after the best interests of the US first. Military leaders and others (Secretary of State, for instance) who don't agree with this new policy 'resign'. Ambassadors begin to pull out from US embassies. Soon the entire US government is of one mind and direction; anyone who dievates from this direction soon becomes lacking in influence . .

There are several possibilities for this scenerio. We played the VP as a minion of the Wyrm. As for the assassination, it could have been carried out by any number of people. Perhaps it was racially motivated. Perhaps he was killed by other minions of the Wyrm. However, the one I find most interesting is that the President was killed by enemies of the Wyrm who knew that the government was corrupt, but were misinformed as to who was the correct target, and killed the President instead of the VP. The assassination could even be carried out by a group of PCs, or they could be sent to stop it.

Either way, this would lead to some interesting roleplaying (lots of deception, intrigue, etc) and could tear this scenerio wide open. Will they discover who is the correct target? Will they be mislead? What will they do if they realize they just blew away the wrong person? And if the VP's changes go through,can the PCs do anything to slow them down (protecting certain people,taking an active role in politics, etc)? The group we ran through this scenario were quite exhausted by its conclusion. Tends to be a little draining when you wrongly assasinate the leader of the free world.

Other events in the United States
A large earthquake strikes the Midwest. The Great Plains, having lain on an ancient fault line, finally collapse after underground nuclear testing. This canyon stretches as far north as south dakota; west as far as colorado; east as far as parts of Missouri; and south as far as Texas. The interior of this canyon (aside from the rubble) consists of open gas mains, roaming survivors, and black spiral breeding pits. (Leaves it wide open for hack and slash quickies).

B. Europe

After successfully uniting economically, Europe decides to unify politically. Seeing the plight of America (see above), it is agreed among the European community that unification is in everyone's best interest. The unification boosts the overall economy of Europe, and they undergo an industrial and technological boom. Unified Europe becomes a superpower, narrowly edging out both the slowly crumbling US and Japan. Most of then continent becomes urbanized, except for areas such as Wales, the Scottish Highlands, parts of the Alps, the Ural Mountains, and other such rural areas.

Those regions that have been urbanized are quite impressive. CITIES are built by layers. (similar to the cities of "The 5th Element" and "Judge Dredd"). They tower hundreds, possibly thousands of feet above the ground, their weight causing lower layers to be buried below the earth. Pollution rises dramatically. Public order is kept in the areas that the officers aren't afraid to police.

The areas that are left become very isolated. Of course in these regions there exists a bit of mysticism. Things happen in these areas that cannot, nor will not (by normal humans), be explained.

This part of the world would be great for cyberjunkies. Lots of technology and urbanization, everyone has an angle, money flows freely. There's also great potential for the supernatural, with Europe boasting a rich history.

C. Asia

Indo- Pakistani Confict
A small nuclear explosion is monitered near Calcutta. It is seen as a Pakistani attack, and India responds in kind. Within forty-eight hours, thousands have died from the chemical and nuclear weapons unleashed by both sides. The UN is able to negotiate a ceasefire, but aid and relief is hard to get into the area because of the toxins and radiation present in both countries. Most forms of communications are impossible, due to bad roads and downed telephone lines. The entire area is chaotic and isolated,however there are a few relief groups inside helping the victims.

Old meteor crash
Rumors of odd events filter from northern Russia, an area once before affected by unusual phenomia, the meteor impact of 19?? (look this up).Towns dissappear (literally), and people lare found that were lost decades ago. This crash disrupts all electromagnetic instruments within a hundred mile radius, which also adds to the mystery.

Former USSR
The political climate of former USSR states and Warsaw Pact countries is a prime environment for organized crime. Western provincences of the USSR unify with Europe, while the others squabble to reunite and regain former power. None can gain control, and so individual governments are left in a standoff, pitting the former Soviet nuclear and chemical arsenals at each other. There are major concerns over the facts that no one knows the excact count of nukes, and the fact that while officially the Russian military and the KGB have been somewhat reformed, Russian subs still cruise open ocean.

GMs can go wild with this area. Massive organized crime, rogue states,loose nukes, secret government organizations . . . doesn't it sound like fun?? Watch Goldeneye (or any other 007 movie about the former Soviet Union),the Hunt for Red October, throw in cybertech and some supernatural occurances in northern Russia, and go nuts.

D. Australia

Great storms ravage the interior of Australia. Other mysterious occurences have claimed thousands of lives. The whites in Australia have been pushed to the coasts. The center of Australia has grown savage and unbearable for 'mankind'. Many adventurers plan treks into the wilderness, hunting for great beasts which are rumored to exist. They do not return. The great barren lands have claimed their aborigine bretheren, but every now and then one appears in Perth or Sydney, rambling about the dreamtime and of the creators' fury.

E. South America

A devistating disease has been discovered in the rainforests of Peru. Called "Reaper" or "The Last Plague", this lethal illness soon spreads from the jungle to the urban areas of South America, beginning with Lima, Rio de Janeiro and Bogata. Despite efforts to quarantine Reaper, it slowly starts to spread throughout the continent. The disease poses quite a problem for scientists; the transmission method is unknown, and period of dormancy seems to vary from person to person. Perhaps the most unusual fact about the disease is that the indigenous peoples of South America are unaffected. The time it takes the disease to run its course varies, but the end is almost always the same. The illness is terminal, but only after a few weeks the victim is coughing blood, throwing up anything eaten, and becomes blind. The disease also causes greenish-purple blotches on the torso, marking anyone with Reaper.

Reaper is the vengence of the rainforests made manifest; this is why loggers, Westerners, and others are effected, but people native to the rainforest are not. Depending on what direction the GM wants to go,Reaper could go many ways. It could ravage only South America, and not spread. It could spread worldwide and be a problem in every major city. A cure could be found, or not, as the GM sees fit. Other cultures close to Gaia, such as Aboriginees and Native Americans, may or may not be affected by the disease. It could wipe out large numbers of people,or modern science may be able to find a cure, vaccine, or some other way to keep the disease in check. This could get very devious. For instance,Pentax-controlled companies may be able to find a drug to fight the disease, and make huge profits from the sale of an expensive treatment.

F. Antarctica

The scientific teams on this pole have noticed something highly irregular: the hole in the ozone has given birth to a strange chemical phenomenon in the atmoshphere. The skies above Antarctica alternate between the sky blue of old to a dark purple which chokes away the light. These occurences happen in pockets, the chemicals in the atmosphere photosynthesize the light, 'tapping' it and create an energy burst that can be seen miles above. Rumors circulate that most of the activity is centered on the pole and as a result, the ice cap is melting away.

Guess what? We're not chemists. If you can give your players a better explanation, go for it- in fact- if you do have a better one- we'd apprec the feedback

G. The Atmosphere

With all the electromagnetic disturbances on earth, there is a version of friction forming around the atmosphere. Satellites are destroyed occassionally, but usually the friction just gives a dull glow at the horizons at night.

H. Oceans

As global warming increases, the poles begin to melt. As they do, the seas rise and surge. The churning oceans bring up many things from the depths. Many things man has never witnessed. Many things man was never meant to witness. . .

I. Misc.

1. Magnetic Shift- since the beginning of Revelations, there have been a number of unexplained occurences- one of which is the eventual shift of the magnetic poles. This allows for navigational difficulties as well as another sign the something VERY, VERY bad is happening.
2. Natural Events -- hurricanes, volcanos, winds, etc. In order to stay true with the bibilical aspect of this event, there should be a number of natural disasters. Have fun with this one (how bad would it be for a group of players to be scattered within a Hurricane while the Wyrm is loose? ;)
3. Aurora Beorialas- This unique phenomenon could spread with the altering of the magnetic poles. Yet again, just a little background for effect.

4. "Under a Blood Red Sky" A meteor strikes Luna, and among all the "end of the world" nonsense (or is it?...) and pathetic TV movies something very interesting happens; the debris from the impact forms cloud around Terra, which, as the planet passes through it, turns the sky a sunset red due to the vaporizing dust.
This was done for effect (and the fact that it1s a great excuse to play U2 during gaming sessions). It could also be a sign of some sort, depending on what the GM wants to do. How long this red sky lasts is also up to the GM -- anywhere from seven days to the entire span of Revelation.

ROLE OF WOD SYSTEMS As you know, there is quite a variety in the WOD systems. The character concepts, plots, and values vary from sourcebook to sourcebook. What we've attempted to do is meld these different systems into a world that can handle such a mixture.

Depending on your preference, you may feel the need to adjust the world to your liking. Please do, it will not only make it easier to control, but should make the gaming experience more enjoyable as well.

Werewolf Vampire Changeling Mage Wraith