Emulation NUTZ!

             Atari 2600                               Intellivision                           Colecovision

Did you ever own any of these systems when you were a child?  Or maybe you bought them for your own child and USED them (when they weren't around of course!)?
Either way, these great systems were a proud sparkle of history that started the
home video game boom.  If you stumbled across this page, then obviously you are
interested in one thing...CONSOLE EMULATION!

In the heart of every adult, beats that of a small child...and maybe the pulse raced
a bit battling SPACE INVADERS, in a far galaxy...or endless evenings of devouring
power pellets while playing PACMAN. Either way, your sure to enjoy the (2) Atari
2600 emulators available here.

Maybe the Atari 2600 was too simple for some of you, and you might have had something a little bit more complicated?  Such as the Intellivision system?  Now
the Intellivision emuation is fairly new, and only 6 games have been put out with
the emulator, so you guys will have to be patient with BLUE SKY RANGERS because
they are working on putting more out as you read this!  But you can still download
the emulator and six games here.

And I will bet alot of you might have had a COLECO!  Well, alot of different EMU's
(that's emulators for short!) are out there for the coleco, including some that also emulate the ADAM for Coleco.  You can download a pretty good coleco emulator
here for your PC, but if your using a MAC, you'll have to look elsewhere.

For those of you into C64 Emulation, go to my Commodore Software Page.
 Need to email me?  If so, send it here: loganmitchell@yahoo.com

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