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You like the STAR WARS movies,you would like to change the story and help us to fight against the evil Empire and to restore peace in the galaxie.Well join the alliance !

The alliance as URGENT need of some dedicated people that would like to help them to restore the peace in the galaxie.Here is your chance to become a Hereo just like Luke, Han,Liea...

I am looking for some serious players that would like to play in this campaign ,that just started and for the monent is being played via message board, but i would like to play it on icq if possible (it is way faster that way). If you are considering to join this campaign just choose your chararacter and send it to me at and i will repply has soone has i can (which his usually with in a day)

We need more players, if you want to play there is room for you. To apply click here.

Sorry about that but my page is under construction.

Ho ya by the way you can get your own email !!
I will ad more email acocubts in a couple days

Get some valuble information on the origine of Star Wars and the Myth of the Jedis end the Dark Lord of the Sith, known has the Dark Warriors. I never seen such information befor so io thought i would share that with some fans like me. By the way it is all approved from Lucas Art. So you can trust the content of it !!
Get your own for free !!!

This is a great services. I prefer it to Hotmail because it is compatible with ICQ . It sends me a message every time i have an email. So i don't even need to check my email has long has I am on ICQ.

Anyway it is a cool service i give to the Star Wars fan, so give it a try.

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