The World of Method

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Rant News
December 11, 2005:
      The worst part of losing a job as an IT Admin to going to working at a helpdesk isn't the money. Although, the morning part hurts a considerable amount when you have a car payment and mortgage to contend with. No, the worst part of the blow to your self-esteem. I'm not embarassed at working a helpdesk, but it is certainly not satisfying nor rewarding. Right now, though, I have to start wondering if I am even worth hiring. It's been an awful long time since my previous job let me go, and now I'm just wondering if there is another job out there for me. It's got me feeling kinda low. And I don't see it getting any better.
December 11, 2005:
      It’s been a long time since I have touched my website. Back in January of 2003, I did a major overhaul, but even then I didn’t do much with it. I rebuilt the page to be cleaner and – hopefully – easier to view. That last part is hard to say because my taste in color schemes gravitates to the dark, which may be hard on some people’s eyes. I ran this site briefly off my own webserver at home. It was short-lived. Go figure, I don’t have much of an attention-span.
      Then in November of 2003, I started messing around with some fun web stuff. All of the design work was done at my previous job. And, like an idiot, I forgot to save it all and bring it home with me. It was good work, but it was all done in VFP (Visual Foxpro) using Foxweb to integrate the code into html. NOT the best way to go about it. Still, it was fun and it was working great. Alas, all that is gone now. Doesn’t matter much. I had wanted to begin to work with MySQL and PhP anyhoo. I just have to get off my lazy, adult ADD butt and start doing it.
      Even so, I don’t expect many updates on this site. It’s mainly a place to show off my writing an such. So, if your at this site and looking around, I hope you enjoy. PEACE!

All intellectual property and graphics are the property of Another Dead Poet ©. Any similarities to properties owned by other people is strictly coincidental. SO LAY OFF MY BACK, MAN! You aren't getting one red cent!