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Welcome My Friend!

As a person of Cherokee and Celtic descent, it has become important to me to follow the path of the Old Ones.  Shamans were leaders, teachers, healers, and warriors, as am I.  They strived to bring harmony into the world and bring people together as much as they could.  They were also very willing and able to pick up the sword or spear to defend their family and tribe. (As I, today, would also be willing to do.)  But my friend there are paths that a Shaman takes they they must take alone except for their Animal and Spiritual guides.  The way of the Shaman can be lonely.  Although I do have a Soulmate to share my life with and I thank the Powers of the Universe that such a person came into my life.  She has a strong understanding of what I do, of the long hours of meditation, and the times that I am not "there" for her.  I appreciate all of her support and love.

Although my teachings and learnings are many, I have always felt a calling to the Earth Mother and the things she has given us. My main object of love from her many gifts  have been the crystals and their energy.

So, I offer to those who need and use Crystals and Stone, an outlet, for which I can provide.

I select each Crystal the way people would select ripe fruit and vegetables, by hand. I let their energy speak to me, and match them together in a "set". I then bury each individual stone in the Earth  for a period of time to charge them.  I let each stone "tell" me what length of time . For some it is a couple of days and others it is a month. They each have their own personality.  Some would ask, "Why  "charge" what the Earth Mother has given freely"?  My answer (with a smile on my face) is, "These stones have been pulled from their homes, their family, their roots. By putting them back into the ground, with their "brothers and sisters" and rejoining them with their Earth Mother, it is like a family reunion. It give the Crystals time to recharge and return to as normal of a condition as possible, readying them for use again.

Some who know me well, know that I think of these Crystals and Stones  as my "children" and I do have a communication with them. I like to find new homes for them where they can be used. love, and taken care of as children.  Because inside each one of the Crystals and Stones is a small energy being just waiting to serve us, show us it's beauty and be appreciated for it.

So, if you are reading this then you may be in the need of some of my personally selected crystals. (In other words, it is no accident that you happened upon this page!)

To those of you that are having a hard time finding quality crystals or are tired of the rip offs, let me be at your service. A full set of Chakra Crystals from me will cost $37.00 plus $3.50 shipping and handling. Other crystals or stones  are available at $4.00 a piece with a minimum order of 3 crystals of your choice. ( I am not selling diamonds here at that price, so no outrageous request!)  Also, if you have a need and aren't sure which stone or crystal to use, I would be happy to make a recommendation as long as the stones are purchased from me. When E-mailing me please put "Crystals" in the subject Line

Attention Reiki Practioners!!!

A full set of Reiki Chakra Crystals will come to you cleansed and charged with Reiki Energy.  Ready for you to program.  Other individual crystals can be sent "blank" ready for you to charge or program.

Click Below to E-mail me for your orders and questions!

Thank you for visiting my website
Namaste! My friends!!!

Visit Angel's Play. One of MY favorite places to play. This in an interactive site with chat room, free mini reading, prayer requests, and the list goes on and on!!

If you would like to learn more about Reiki and using Universal Energy for healing...visit this site.

Visit my best friend and soulmate's Webpage. On this site you will find futher interesting sites and more information on crystals and Reiki.  

Spirit Search...another stepping stone to a multitude of sites offering more information.

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