Explorations of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Reality

New Frontiers Bio-Lab:

Parking Lot

Space: The Graphics Frontier - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Space: The Graphics Frontier - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The road is rough and the stabilizer system of your vehicle works overtime to keep your ride smooth. You see lots of indications that heavy equipment has used this road.

Eventually the road leaves the creek it has been following and heads up a hill. Erosion control devices make the road extra bumpy. You wish that you had taken an all terrain vehicle at the rental place, despite its energy requirements.

But you survive the trip and end up at a construction site on a plateau.

You park the vehicle and get out. A bold breeze out of the mountains sends shivers down your spine. You consider getting a jacket but decide that your aren't going to be long.

A short walk down a gravel path takes you to a sign.

New Frontier Bio-Labs

WARNING: Bio-hazard area. In the event of a containment failure a siren will sound. If this happens, find a 'rabbit hole' and jump down it. The rabbit hole will seal behind you and signal a bio-hazard team. You will be rescued when it is safe.

Just beyond the sign is a large boulder with a rabbit painted on it. The rabbit is in a lab coat and is reaching for a door handle. The door handle is real.

You go to this boulder and pull the door handle. A large section of rock opens out, revealing an inner chamber of tile.

On the opposite wall is a sign and another rabbit.


WARNING: Do not enter unless this is an emergency. The door will close behind you.

Noting this warning you decide to ( enter the rabbit hole / continue onward / return to your vehicle ).

Space: The Graphics Frontier - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Last Revised: March 13, 1999 (Upgraded headings, footings and directory structure)

Designed and maintained by: Robynn Denise Smythe
Your comments, ideas, suggestions and criticisms are welcome if they are constructive and well reasoned.
E-Mail: Ms_Dee_C@hotmail.com
This URL: http://www.geocities.com/area51/shadowlands/5445/bio/biol00a.htm

Copyright © 1998-2009 by Robynn Denise Smythe

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Space: The Graphics Frontier - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

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