========)Home Page
So, like i haven't been around a computer much lately but i am now, so lets see what needs to be done.
I need some cool pics of local sacramento and bay area djs, so email them to me at chuen77@hotmail.com and i'll fit them in.  I'm currently working on freelance graphics projects for rave flyers, company logos, japanese comic books, and d.j. logos
My interests are:
  Silly Industries, Raves, and Art, but really thats not all i like!  I like industrial music like front line assembly, and psychadelic trance  bands like Juno Reactor and  X-Dream.
Email me at Nosaj_Lebrez@thefragile.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.
Click on these areas of my personal interest of which are in no particular order
do a good deed for the day
things I like...
got anime? these helped me
My Portfolio
about my grandparents in north dakota
© 1997 Nosaj_Lebrez@thefragile.co
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