What's  New:

Check out the NEW TransMaster Logo/Links Page.

Check out the brand new TransMasters Web Log for the most recent projects and stories by our members.

Please check out the TransMasters Mission Statement for a better idea of what the club is about.

Please see our FAQ for more information. You may also wish to visit our Legal disclaimer page.

Just Added!TransMaster Games Page. So far just a TF Tic Tac Toe, hopefully more soon.

Tony "Autoforse" Buchanan has decided to step down as Archivist and general leader of the TransMasters as of 5/20/2005. Peter "Pierrimus" Phelps will be the new Archivist and President pro tem.


Click on the Archive button to find the printable Trans Master Tech Spech form.

The UK chapter of the club still exists and has been going all along. They can be found at www.warwithoutend.com. They call this The Hub and they have 4 membership levels to choose from. I hope to emulate their success soon.

There are many web resources available to club members such as our Forum, our Yahoo group, The TMUK Yahoo groups, Our NEW Blog and more on the way.

Check out these Internet Newsgroups for the best in Transformers related discussions: