CrzyDemona's Mansion

CrzyDemonaWelcome to my mansion...


I have role played this character since 1994 when the show "Gargoyles" first aired on TV.  Since then I have written stories and drawn pictures centering around this cartoon and the stories behind the RP character.  I created a clan called "The City of Stone" Clan.  Although I no longer play Demona on AOL... this persona can often be found in chat rooms and mailing lists all over the web.  I have made some wonderful friends throughout this Fandom.  Some amazing writers, artists and role players that constantly inspire me to better my own skills.  

Here is where I accumulate all of my skills.  My fanfiction, my fanart... even some non-Gargoyles web devotion.  I love to hear feedback on both my web page and my art.  My mind often jumps from idea to idea.... so excuse the construction cones that can be found throughout the Mansion.  Thank you for stopping by... please... make yourself at home... ::smirks::  

Please feel free to look around my Mansion.  There are many rooms and things to see.  I am always adding my new artwork and finding new links so you may wish to bookmark the page so that you may come back later.


My artwork, all types.  This will take you to anything art related on the page.

FanFic I have written a few stories based on Gargoyles.  (posting soon)
Costumes This is one of my larger projects, a costume of Demona. This page has the first draft.
Gathering 98 pics Some Memories of Gathering 1998 in Manhattan.  More costume pics.
OLD artwork A place to toss my REALLY old stuff.
Guest Art Many have sent me their artwork of my Fanfic Characters and even my online Role Playing Character, Demona.
JERICHO FANCLUB            I am not just the President, I am also a member!!
Links Some of my favorites on the web!
The Human behind the Gargoyle   Find out what the REAL Crzy One is like.

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Only mortals have been brave enough to enter my domain, since 7/12/99.

10,000 victims entered these doors from 4/22/98 to 8/30/99.

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Disclaimer:  This site is not authorized by Disney or BVTV and the characters here are used without their knowledge or consent.  It is merely a tribute to a wonderful show made by a wonderful company.

Copyright © 1998 Jennifer L. Anderson