Welcome! I am David le Blanc... No relation to Matt, I'm afraid. I was "made" by my dear friend Victoria de Lis.
My mother in darkness and I met one night in Central Park, as I'm sure you've learned if you've been to her page. (Speaking of which, she is constructing this one for me, even though hers is not even finished.)
I was somewhat frightened. I even called her Satan, for I was fresh from Paris, and had studied in a seminary. Barely 23, my first sight of an immortal was unexpected in the least. Little did I know that I'd soon become one.
Vicki brought me to her apartment with her. There I met the "father", Michael, and the newest, Galen. Galen was eager to create a follower, and wanted to begin with me. Michael and Vicki stood between him and me, telling him that it was not his place to make another, for he was still a fledgling himself. In the morning, to my surprise, Michael and Vicki sat on the windowsill, staring at the newly dawned day.
To me, they were vampires, slaves to the night. Obviously, I had been mistaken. They greeted me and told me the story of Galen, and why to never be caught alone with him.
Galen had come to Vicki (whom Michael insisted upon calling "Victoria", her full name, no reasons given) the first night of her immortality and called upon her to make him into a vampire. Vicki had no choice, still being weak against the strength of Galen Donati. There was a sizable difference there, I noticed. Vicki is small of build, being 5'2" and slender, and Galen is 6'4", and a bodybuilder of sorts. I was amazed that she had even survived, or at least had not needed extensive healing.
Since then, only a few nights before this conversation, Galen had wanted to make his own fledgling. He had weaknesses he didn't realize, Michael told me. Since he hadn't waited for Vicki to gain her full strength, he was inevitably weak for one of Michael's strain. Even his previous child, Darius, had been like he and Vicki, almost invincible.
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