's Page of Wonders (that never gets updated...)

You made it! I've got to wonder are you a new person or have you had my website saved for 6 years and periodically return to it? It is amazing that it wasn't deleted, but then I do like this yahoo login so I've kept this page in such a manner. I mean... how else could I subscribe to the Ducaine Group without a yahoo account? The DuCaine group... I have sadly been slacking off with my reading too. Anywho...

A Page of Wonders? What was I thinking?? Do you feel like you're watching a Disney movie or else stuck in Kingdom Hearts? Which is a good game and everyone should play it.

Well you may have asked for a link to see what I look like.

 Well here are some pictures that you wanted:  Basil's Pictures Too bad these are like 6-8 years outdated. I wish I looked like that. Or at least weighed that much. I may have new pictures posted. Or I may decide that updating this page is a waste a time. I kind of like having these relics of a time long ago.

What the heck is that?It's Goofy!  Where's Mickey?


Click here to see a picture of yourself

So I guess this is the part of the page where I can put other stuff. Like interests. Hmmmm Nanny nanny boo boo

A tribute to the souls that were taken too soon...    Chris

These links are in serious need of updating. Maybe later.
Some Ramblings and Writings:
Human Nature
I Remember...

Writings of friends:
Ephemeral These are all X-Files' fan fictions written by my best friend.

And this is a link to a friend of mine's website. Visit it. Enjoy it. I do.

And here because I thought this was awesome!

Here's a really good friend of mine's drawing. I LOVE IT!! paulfreaka@hotmail.com

Dance dude, dance!! Okay here's a drawing.  I took a picture of it with my digital camera. He's headbanging!!

Basil Destiny

I haven't stopped writing...I'm currently writing something or other. I'm always writing (well I'm always listening to music, even when I sleep I hear it in my head!) and when I'm not writing, I'm thinking of writing. Or maybe drawing, but I don't have a scanner so don't expect anything to appear anytime soon.

About this writing thing...I pretty much did stop writing. And drawing. I need to pick both back up. Mostly I'm playing World of Warcraft now. And cleaning our house. It is a huge disaster of my stuff still not being integrated into the house. Cuz... I left it at my mom's house for a long time. Once I am finished cleaning, my next plans are to scrapbook like there is no tomorrow. I have about 2 or 3 boxes worth of things I want to either scrapbook or toss out. After that, I'll just do a book or two a year and that should leave plenty of time for writing and drawing.

Email me at
Basil Destiny. I'd use some kind of subject line otherwise it will be deleted.

Awww, I had all these great animals up here with great links, but alas! They disappeared. So we'll just go with the evil animal theme...Only sad thing is that the evil animals died. Maybe I'll update these pictures soon too. You never know!

That's my daddy's doggie, Guppy as in Agape-Greek for love.There's evil Trotski again.  Mein Butta Sista's kitty
Last updated 9/10/07