Storm's 3D Site

Some animated graphics! Banners I have done! Mech Graphics
My Latest Graphics 3D Graphic Still Shots My favorite links!
Click Here To Find Out How To Enter My Award Contest! See Who The Winners Of This Week's Awards Are! About Me
My bCAD tutorial! Sign My Guestbook! View My Guestbook!

This page last updated on: 3 AUG 99

TG Interactive
Titanium Graphics Interactive
Join the TG Crew

I've posted some GIFs and Animated GIFs
that I have created with the awesome
bCAD Graphics software and
GIF Construction Set 32 Animation software.
Also, I just started including some
images that have been compressed into JPGs to load faster.
If I see that it makes a big difference in the load time,
I may compress a lot of the larger images and
animations into the JPG format so you don't have
to wait as long to see them.
Please choose a location on one of the buttons
above to go to a few pics I've done,
check out how to enter my 3D and Sci-Fi contests,
or see my favorite links!
Last but not least, by all means,

My tribute to STAR WARS
CAUTION>>>Links on this page not complete!!!

Here is an award my page has
gotten from J-Me's Home Page!
Thanks J-Me!!
To J-Me's Home Page!

I currently have about 70 images that I have created
posted within the pages of this site.
This includes my site banner and all of the buttons,
but does not include the web ring images.
(But you probably already know that...)
What you might not know is that I
regularly change my site banner and buttons,
as well as add new images. I just changed them again
between the end of December and the first of January.
About every couple of months, I get tired of seeing
the same images, and usually get some profound
inspiration to change the them to something new.
This also is for your benefit. If you return here
regularly to see what I have done lately,
you just never know what you're going to see.
There's so much, I tried to catagorize it with the
buttons above. If it was all on one page
it would take a day for your browser to load!
Please stay awhile and tour this site of all
the images I have created!

Email me at:
in the meantime.

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