Star Trek Voyager Fan Fiction

 Written by Kathryn
UPDATED May 14, 2000

Hi there! I really enjoy watching ST:V and I fully believe that Captain Janeway and Commander Chakotay belong together. I just wish that TPTB would pay attention to the fans of the program who are begging for it, after all WE are the only reason any of them have a job...without us...there'd be no reason for the show.

Interested in playing in a new and growing RPG by email SIM? If you answered 'yes' to that then have I got a deal for you! Follow the link below to the homepage for the United Federation for Earth Defense.

Be certain to mention that you found the site here and tell the Commander in Chief that Captain Kristen Hamilton of the USS Vanguard sent you!

United Federation for Earth Defense.


I found this picture on the internet and as soon as I saw it I couldn't help but to add the caption to it. What can I say? I have a sick and twisted sense of humor... hehehe.



This story is titled "Waking Nightmare" and its rated "R" for some violent content. Its about the level of one of the 'Lethal Weapon' movies, but still.

In any case, Chakotay is having dreams in which Kathryn is killed. What will he do when the events of his nightmare begin to come true? Can he prevent the death of the woman he loves?

"Waking Nightmare"

This is an original series created by me and Lorre McCabe. It is called "Jihad" and is a Star Trek series. We got kinda bored with writing Voyager fan fic and decided to create something new. Give it a try, so far everyone who has read it liked it alot!




I came up with the idea for this story during a VERY LONG AND BORING meeting at work. Its titled "Accident" and the title says it all. Hope you like it!!




This story you may have read over at Kadith's Lair...but since I wrote it too...and had a wonderful time doing so...I decided to add it to my page also so that those who have not read it..can do so should they wish. The story is called "Lag". Anyone who's ever used mIRC knows about the problems with 'lag' while chatting. Kadith and I refer to this as "the Lag Monster"...thus the inspiration for this little tale. This story is Rated NC17, so if you are not old enough to read it - DON'T!

"Lag" Written by Me and My Pal Kadith


Well. Believe or not this one is finally finished! Part Eight should be up in the next two days or so and is the last part to this series. It only took what...a year to get it here? hehe

"Holo-Illusions Part One"

"Holo-Illusions Part Two"

"Holo-Illusions Part Three"

"Holo-Illusions Part Four"

"Holo-Illusions Part Five"

"Holo-Illusions Part Six"

"Holo-Illusions Part Seven"

"Holo-Illusions Part Eight"

I've promised to write a Part Nine for this series.  Not a clue when I'll get it finished, so check back!

This was my first ever attempt at writing. Its not too bad so I'm told. Its called "Shattered Emotions".

"Shattered Emotions"

That's all that I have ready to post here at the moment, I do have a few new stories that I've written however they need a bit of editing before I can present them here. Keep checking back - I'll get them up here as soon as I can. :-)

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I love getting email...just can't figure out how to link the addy right. So I'll just give it to you!

Let me know what you think!!

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