Welcome to my archive of book reviews. Previous reviews will transfer here as I replace them with new ones. In an effort to clean everything up, I have reorganized them in two different ways: alphabetically according to title and alphabetically according to author's last name. To go to the Title Archive, click here.
The following abbreviations will indicate which category each book originally appeared in:
Dates indicate when each title first appeared in Starfire Reviews. Books new to the archive will be marked with a or
Click on the letters of the alphabet that marks the first word in each title. I have followed convention and ignored articles like "the" and "a" if they were the first word.
Contact me if any of my reviews are missing.
- B -
Baker, Richard
- C -
Cardarelle, Andria
- D -
- E -
- F -
- G -
- H -
- I -
- J -
- K -
- L -
David, Peter
Deitz, Tom
Devlin, Dean (w/ Emmerich, Roland & Molstad, Stephen)
De Weese, Gene
Dickens, Charles
Dixon, Larry (w/Lackey, Mercedes)
Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan
Duane, Diane
Eddings, David
Eddings, David & Leigh
Elrod, P.N.
Emmerich, Roland (w/Devlin, Dean & Molstad, Stephen)
Fein, Eric (w/Fingeroth, Danny)
Fein, Eric (w/Askegren, Pierce)
Feist, Raymond E.
Feist, Raymond E. (w/Janny Wurts)
Fingeroth, Danny (w/Eric Fein)
Fingeroth, Danny (w/Pierce Askegren)
Flint, Kenneth C.
Friedman, Michael Jan
Gardner, Craig Shaw
Golden, Christopher
Grimwood, Ken
Gunnarsson, Thorarinn
Hambly, Barbara
Hamilton, Laurell K.
Hawke, Simon
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
Henderson, Jason
Hong, Jane Cooper (w/ James M. Ward)
Huff, Tanya
Jones, Diana Wynne
Jones, J.V.
Jones, Mark Edward
Kalogridis, Jeanne
Keeley, Wayne J.
Kelly, Ronald
Kephart, Carolyn
Kerr, Peg
King, J. Robert
Kiraly, Marie
Knief, Charles
Lackey, Mercedes (w/Dixon, Larry)
Lackey, Mercedes (w/McCaffrey, Anne)
- M -
Magan, Elliot S! (w/Scott Lobdell)
McCaffrey, Anne
- N -
Newman, Kim
- O -
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