The Hidden Valley

Welcome weary travelers. You have entered the realm of the Hidden Valley. Home to Raven Shadowere (Player: Thomas), wanderer of the Dale Lands, and follower of the Lady of the forest - Mielikki. Many adventures Raven has endured, and finally has decided to settle. Keeping the peace in his valley is his goal. Ensuring that man and animal can travel and pass in harmony.

I myself, Thomas, find the Hidden Valley an excellent place to track and record those sites that I have been to. Besides, it beats a bunch of boring bookmarks. A webpage allows me to share. To let others see and make use of the interesting sites I have found on the net.

Update (06/12/16): Sadly enough, my gaming experiences have dwindled over the years. I still play from time to time and enjoy conversing with other gamers. I am admittedly an old fart, I am stuck in the age of 2E D&D. I still find it worth playing. The 3rd Edition, has few players in my area (that I can connect with) and I am to stubborn to invest in new material. Although I have gleaned a few good ideas from 3E, it is not enough to switch. That is all for this update, any thoughts my e-mail is open for chat.

(08/02/27): Still moving forward. Can you belive it!! A Four Edition!! Of course, it is no way compatible with either previous version. It is a business and they need to secure a way in which to sustain not only continued interest but continued sales as wells. For me it truly means I will be left behind. The only portion I can remotely think of using is the on lone 3d map, that is at least interesting. From there my interest has slipped to board, and card games. There seems to a growing interest there.

(08/12/04): Well the card games have continued on. Munchkin is a game of hilarious fun. Currently I have the original themed sets 1 thru to 7. I also have M: Impossible. A friend recently acquired M: Booty. Arr!! There be cards to be play!! The fun continues on...
As for roleplaying, 2nd Edition is going strong with my gaming group. I myself have broke down and acquired the players hb for 4th edition, just to see what it is about. As I said, in my previous update it is a different game. Yet, I think it is one I can have some fun with...

Peace and Good Gaming.

Please feel free to wander around the valley.


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