"we gotta go and never stop going till we get there" ~ jack kerouac

Meet Catrina and Faedra, my adopted Faerie Children.

Failte go Faeryland! You have stumbled upon my world of the Wee Folk. Things are going kinda slow bacause I only work late at night and I'm an unusually sleepy person. I have poems, images, and stories that i've collected along my way. I have taken some of these from other sites (i have given credit for them in my links page), and the others i have made. I should have some new paintings (they are beautiful) up soon, and possibly a whole new branch full of artwork, who knows? Slan.

Mystical Books

FaerĄ Gallery

My Favorite Fay

Faery Stories
The G irl Who Danced Among The Sidhe
The Story of the Brownie
The Faeries' Revenge

Faery Poetry

Faery Links 


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