Tirfo Thuinn
The Land Beneath The Waves

Hello, welcome to my little home that's all mine. I hope you find what you're looking for and if you're not in search of anything feel particularly graced. Anytheway, I have just fell upon hundreds of beautiful paintings so I should have some of those up on a page soon, and until then, come meet the faeries.

"From this hour I ordain myself loos'd of limits, and imaginary lines

Going where I list, my own master total and absolute

Listening to others, considering well what they say

Pausing, searching, recieving, contemplating

Gently, but with undeniable will, divesting myself of the holds that would hold me"

~*~ Walt Whitman

A Few Of Her Favorite Things

Looking for a good book now that you finally have time to read? These are a few I highly recommend - they can be ordered from Amazon Books here, or you can just read the reviews. (They're really good.)

The best advice I can possibly give to someone who loves music is to listen to Tori Amos. She has been my favorite artist since forever and is simply the best. You can order her music or merchandice from CDNow through here. Please do...you WILL love her music.

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If your webpage is affiliated with ghosts, folklore, faeries, goblins, angels, dragons, or any other type of mystical being or idea, then apply to join the Myst on the Leaves webring to be linked with other sites like yours. Do come join us!!

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Faerequeen .

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E-mail me if you have any comments or questions or complaints about something on my pages or linked to one of my pages. Thanx.

wanderers have wandered this way since October 1998.

© 1997

If you use any of the original graphics or uncredited poems from my page, or simply want to make a link, please use this graphic. Thanks!

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