Welcome to InfernoGirl's
Sci-fi/Fantasy homepage

I started this page on September 2nd. It will most likely be under construction quite often so feel free to visit as often as you like.
I have devoted this page to my favorite genres, sci-fi and fantasy. So my favorite sci-fi and fantasy tv shows, movies, and books will be represented here.

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The X-Files
The Matrix
Neil Gaiman's "Neverwhere"
Star Wars: A New Hope
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi
This many cool people have visited this site
Disclaimer- The X-Files pics on this site belong to Chris Carter and 1013 production. The Matrix pics belong to WB and the creators of The Matrix. The Star Wars pics belong to George Lucas. They do not belong to me, I seek no money for them. Please don't sue ;)