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Sci-Fi Television Shows


Hi, my name is John.

I am a fan of many Sci-Fi shows and movies. My favorite show is one from my childhood. Some people may remember it, some may not. The show was called "Thunderbirds". It was a great show for it's time, and the special effects are still acceptable for today's time.

I used to wake up early in the morning to watch the show before I went to school.

Some of my other favorites are: Stingray, Captain Scarlet, UFO, Space 1999, Voyage to the bottom of the Sea, and all 5 Star Trek series.

I've divided the shows into different web pages so that I could present some facts, information, and pictures, concerning each show on it's own page.
I will try to update my pages as often as time allows. I will also try to provide as much information about these subjects as possible.

This first page is more of a feature page. This page will feature some little known shows, memorabelia, or other items of interest.
I also like trivia, so I'll try to have different trivia questions as often as possible.
You can use the links on the pages to access other web sites about the T.V. shows, or other items.
I hope that you'll find this interesting and enjoyable.

From "THUNDERBIRDS ARE GO!" Thunderbird 2 lifts off!

Derek Meddings holds one of the models of "Sky-1" from the TV show "UFO".

Doctor Smith and the Robot B-9 from "Lost in Space"

How about a Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea trivia question?
What was the actor's name who played Admiral Nelson on the show?

If you need the answer, scroll down to the construction area, and visit the Lost In Space Robot B-9 for the answer. Thanks for dropping in, and if you get a chance, please sign my guest book.

Links to other sites on the Web

Thunderbirds Page
Captain Scarlet Page
Space 1999 Page
Stingray Page
UFO Page
Irwin Allen Page. Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Lost in Space, and more.
Star Trek & Other Sc-Fi Shows Page
My Opinion Page
My son Joe's Spongebob Page

Always,Under Construction!

Let's go to the Robot B-9 for the answer;

My computations indicate that the answer to the trivia question is:
Richard Basehart.

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