Lovers of the Unresolved Sexual Tension
Last updated March 25, 1999
[Analysis Room]
[Episode Guide]
[Fan Fiction]
Welcome to LUST, the web site devoted to the best relationship on television between Agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully of The X-Files. It's "a mutual respect mingled with subtextual love" as Ken Tucker said in Entertainment Weekly. There are some who believe that this relationship should move to the next level. I, however, love the perfect scale that they balance on now. And the UST (Unresolved Sexual Tension) just makes the chemistry between them sizzle. I'll admit I often squeal and gush about the moments they share (the looks, the touches, the smiles), and sometimes I'll classify myself as a 'Shipper. BUT I don't want Mulder and Scully to get together. (The infamous catch.) That doesn't mean I can't document all the times they almost have. :) Please feel free to browse! And as soon as summer comes I promise (for real this time!) That I'll be back to update this ancient thing! Until then, thanks for visiting!!!
Analysis Room
"Sweet Surrender" is my first attempt at a long analysis. It provides further insight into the now infamous hallway scene in The X-Files: Fight the Future including the changes that occurred in both Mulder and Scully, and the impact the scene will have on their relationship.
"Foolish Games" was written after the episode entitled 'Milagro' aired. I felt that this brought up many issues concerning the Mulder/Scully dynamic, especially Scully's feelings towards Mulder. It analyzes how Jewel's song 'Foolish Games' fits this particular attitude. At this time I was feeling in a particularly unshippy mood, so be warned.
Episode Guide
Take a look at past episodes and browse through the sweetest moments Mulder and Scully have shared. Each episode is listed along with a summary and a list of the Mulder Scully moments in each one. I am currently reviewing all, yes all, of the episodes, so this will take a little while to put up. Season Four will be posted in June. Come back soon!
Not all great moments make it into the actual episode. Go here to see what ended up on the cutting room floor!
Fan Fiction
For those times when all you need is a little escape into a fantasy world.
Come on in and have a look at songs that have appeared in the show, on the movie soundtrack, or just apply to the Mulder/Scully relationship. As a special bonus, see the songs that mention The X-Files
Movie Theater
Need a series of clips of Mulder and Scully's cutest moments from the fourth season? Want it set to the tune of Lean on Me? We got you covered! Check out our feature presentation: Lean on Me.
Provided for your enjoyment courtesy of The X-Files Multimedia Archive.
Photo Album
The Photo Album is divided into three sections. Pictures of both Mulder and Scully, pictures of just Mulder, and pictures of just Scully. Click below to visit one of the sections.
I'm an avid surfer of the Internet, and I've found lots of sites that I love, both X-Files and non X-Files related. Have a look at them below!
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