Listen RIGHT NOW to a FREE introductory audio seminar offered by Peak Potentials Training that makes some incredible claims!

If you haven't yet heard of the Millionaire Mind Intensive seminar from Peak Potentials Training then it was only a matter of time. It's quickly becoming one of the most talked about and powerful, personal development programs in the world.

T. Harv Eker (who's fast becoming a celebrity and is often mentioned in the same sentence as Tony Robbins, Brian Tracy and Bob Proctor) is the program's designer and presenter. He's got a very high energy and fun, "in your face" style that really challenges people to take action.

Harv is a self-made millionaire (many times over apparently) who went from "zero to millionaire" in only 2 1/2 years using the techniques he employs in the seminar.

The program's subtitle is, "The Secret Psychology of Wealth" because it works on people's "inner" world where most fortunes are won or lost. Eker says everyone has a Money & Success Blueprint that will predict their financial future for the rest of their lives.

If you're broke most of the time, or have up and down cycles, or are even fairly comfortable, then this is merely a reflection of your "programming." (He uses the word, "programming" to refer to our conscious and unconscious attitudes toward money, wealth and rich people).

But most importantly, you can change your programming to achieve unlimited wealth and abundance. The reason the Millionaire Mind Intensives are often sold out well in advance even though they're presented to groups of 1000 or more, is because the seminar really works. Most people experience major, life changing breakthroughs at every event. You should read the testimonials on the site.

The seminar not only works but it's a ton of fun as well. It's a great opportunity to meet hundreds of other like minded people.

So, if you're not living a life of wealth and abundance now, chances are you never will unless you take a look at the way you "think" about money. I highly recommend you check out this FREE Introductory audio seminar immediately!



 The Zurich Axioms

Highly recommended investing book!

 The Adventures of Anybody

Dr Richard Bandler

is a very hypnotic fairytale. It's designed for adults to read to children to change the adults. It's really designed to be read out loud and if you like Milton Patterns, this makes Milton Patterns look like nothing. I worked on it on and off for twenty years and it's . . . out. It's illustrated and it's the perfect way to learn language patterns without having to go to a class.


Tea With Terrorists: Who They Are, Why They Kill, What Will Stop Them

How to Build a Multi-Level Money Machine

"Show your prospects and distributors how to get an instant after-tax raise of $2,000 to $9,000 every year thanks to these secret tax perks for network marketers - guaranteed!"

Tax Tips For Network Marketers

Lower Your Taxes - Big Time! : Wealth-Building, Tax Reduction Secrets from an IRS Insider
by Sanford C Botkin, Sandy Botkin

Lower Your Taxes

Money Mastery: 10 Principles That Will Change Your Financial Life Forever
by by Sanford C. Botkin, Sandy Botkin

Money Mastery

The One Minute Millionaire: The Enlightened Way to Wealth
by Mark Victor Hansen, Robert G. Allen

The One Minute Millionaire

Rule the Freakin' Markets : How to Profit in Any Market, Bull or Bear
                     by Michael Parness
  I read it in one day.  There are many books out there but this one is full of the truth and not a lot of empty fluff other books have.
Well worth the money.  I'm giving every investor I know a copy as a Christmas gift.
The Author turned $33,000 into over 7 MILLION in 15 months.  This was after he lost $150,000 (which left him with $33,000).
Finally a book on investing by someone who invests not someone selling a system or other worthless products. 
   Rule the Freakin' Markets

The Greatest Salesman In The World


Rolling Stocks: Making Money on the Ups and Downs
 by Gregory Witt, Greg Witt, Wade B. Cook
      Rolling Stocks

Rich Dad, Poor Dad : What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money That the
Poor & Middle Class Don't
by Robert Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lechter
Awesome book.  The poor and middle class work for money.  The rich have money work for them.  It's about a person who had two dads.  One was highly educated with a Ph.D and the other never finished eight grade. One said study hard so you can find a good company to work for.  The other said study hard so you can find a good company to buy. One said I can't afford it the other said how can I afford it.

    Rich Dad Poor Dad

Cashflow Quadrant : Rich Dad's Guide to Financial Freedom
 by Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon L. Lechter (Contributor)

A continuation of Rich Dad Poor Dad.  Basically according to the author there are 4 ways to make money.  E,S,B,I.  E is the employee.  Most people fall into this category.  You go to work for money.  Next is the self-employed.  Almost the same thing.  It's the mom & pop business.  If you're sick and don't go into work the business shuts down.  The business owner is next.  He's different from the self-employed because his business is self-sufficient.  It makes money whether he goes in or not.  An example might be someone who owns 50 Mc Donalds.  I is the income.  Your money makes you money.  Investments is the simplest example.
   Cashflow Quadrant


What Are Your Goals
 by Gary Ryan Blair
A very comprehensive goal setting workbook.

 What Are Your Goals


Rogue Warrior
by Richard Marcinko
A true American hero. You won't be able to put it down.

  Rogue Warrior


Money Is My Friend
by Phil Laut

                     * The four Laws of Wealth

                     * The helpful six-step method to developing a purpose in life

                     * The simple seven-stage plan to finding the perfect career for you

                     * Twelve ideal techniques for creating a new self-image

                     * Fifteen priceless affirmations to change the way you think about money

                     * And much more!

 Money Is My Friend

Zero-Resistance Selling
by Maxwell Maltz, Dan S. Kennedy (Contributor), William T. Brooks, Matt Oechsli, Jeff Paul                   (Contributor)

A good sequel to the classic Psycho-Cybernetics.  Shows how a poor self-image is often the cause of poor sales success.  How many times after not making a sale do you replay that event again and again in your mind? Only to have it repeat itself again.  Why do you do that.  Wouldn't it be better to recall past achievements and replay them instead?  Professional athletes do this, shouldn't a sales professional too?
  Zero resistance Selling

The Instant Millionaire : A Tale of Wisdom and Wealth
 by Mark Fisher

From the inside cover. "Why do some people succeed in becoming millionaires while others only dream about it?  Do they work twice as hard?  Are they more intelligent or better educated?"  These and other questions are answered in this short easy to read book.  I personally like the chapter about the power of words.  Also covered are importuned topics as goal setting, self-image, how to have faith, and how to master the unconscious mind.

   Instant Millionaire

Terri Hatcher movie.

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