
Well, I haven't updated this in years... then they gave me a notice it was inactive and I thought I should do something about that hehe. So, visit me at Kateract.com or brianshelledy.com for something a little more recent.


Well, I shall not be updating this page anymore for the forseeable future, because I'm going to be switching to my new ad-free warp7 page. Please visit my site here.




Hey, long time no update, because I've been working on Ishin-Digital's Website. I just updated today to provide a link to my Theodicy of Restraint. Pretty long and boring, just something I wrote down instead of leaving in my head.

8-25-03 - Screwed Myself Over Again

Allright! I've screwed myself over yet again! This time I forgot to pay for my classes before the deadline came along, which resulted in them dropping my schedule! So now, instead of taking 13 hours of classes, I've been reduced to 7. Tomorrow morning I get to see if they'll let me take a coupple more, but it doesn't look so good.

To add to the top of all that, my DSL provider MSN finally decided to terminate our service, something we've been waiting for them to do for weeks now. Our SBC/Yahoo DSL won't be active for another week and a half or so... As a result, I've been forced to use dialup, which is closer to pretending to be a rock then surfing.

My brother finally went off to college, and so it's nice to have the whole upstairs to myself. Unfortunately, it also means that I don't have a little brother around who can take half the burden of my mom when she's in a bad mood.

Star Wars Galaxies is going pretty well, though I am having troubble locating some of the resources I want, and it takes 20 minutes out of every night to download the patch over dialup. There's really not a drop off in gameplay though, which is good. Being a simple game of random numbers, it doesn't have all the projectile data to transfer. At least that's what I'm guessing makes it easier to play then your everyday first person shooter.

That's about all I have for today. Don't forget to post in the forums!

8-13-03 - General Stuff and Star Wars Galaxies

Yes, so things are up and running very smothly with the new website design, I am very pleased with it so far. Hopefully this time I can keep up some sort of meaningfull content. And now for some meaningless content.

One of my LAN party friends has offered to let me play Star Wars Galaxies on one of his accounts for free! Hopefully I'll be able to get some cds and get in on the action. I'll be playing in his clan, group, whatever, The Risen, so I should have fun.

Apparently some remarks were made about my website being better than Mike's. So, apparently, my redesign is prompting him to do something new with his. I'll look forward to the result.

Alas, it is late and I must retire. I'll catch you all on the flip side.

8-12-03 - New Website Design

This is a preliminary version of a new design scheme that I am implementing for my website. I hope you like it. Please express your thoughts in the forum!

7-31-03 - Signature

I changed this post to introduce a new page for signatures. You can find it here: Signatures

I also created some forums. Check them out here.

02-03-03 - Macintosh Entry

Ok, this really sucks. I'm here at the ELC at Montgomery Community College and all of the windows machines are taken. Regretably, this leaves me to rant on on a Macintosh computer, which really sucks. I have been indecisive lately. Alot of the relationships that I once considered friend are now changing, for better or worse. I feel a definate need, however, to find more people that I can call friends, because, well... I don't know why, but if I did, it would only make it more urgent. That, of course, is not to say that I don't consider the friends that I have now to be valuable: I just think it would be nice to have a second opinion from someone that wouldn't be effected by what I need a second opinion on. It seems that my friendships have all come together and effect each other. I like to diversify them, though, so I think I will shore up some of the friendships that I have outside of the mesh and make some new ones. Geez, I hate macintosh computers. They are so horrible... and it won't load any shockwave. That sucks. As bad as Microsoft is, Macintosh is even worse. That's all I have for today.

01-22-03 - Departure From the Norm

Allright, as you can see, I am departing from the norm today. I guess you could say I did the same thing last time, but that wasn't a real entry. Regardless, today's topic is going to be school. I'm now in my second week of attending Montgomery County Community College. It's alot different then the monstrosity that A&M was. Hopefully that will lead me to do better. Classes? Macroeconomics, Math, Networking, and Comp. and Rhetoric. I find this combination rather to my liking, because since my economics teacher is a republican, and it is Macroeconomics, I get alot of issues that I like to elaborate on earlier in the very same day! This would seem to solve the problem of what to write about. However, it still seems like it's hard to come up with something. Anyway, enough of that. I've been using this nifty program called coolmon for the last few weeks, and I really like it. So, I've decided to post some pictures of my desktop, with a coupple of different designs I came up with for coolmon. Enjoy: Desktop 1 | Desktop 2

01-17-03 - Update

This isnt' a real entry... I just wanted to say that I made the first step in getting the poetry section back online. So far, I only have my section done, and I don't like the way geocities is doing their advertising right now, but it's something I have to live with because the other hosting providers aren't any better. At least you can make these ads go away.

01-16-03 - Frustration

"The torment of human frustration, whatever its immediate cause, is the knowledge that the self is in prison, its vital force and 'mangled mind' leaking away in lonely, wasteful self-conflict." - Elizabeth Drew

Sand Castles

Long afternoon hours
Spent by the sea,
Creating magnificent structures;
Castles, with thick walls.
Their parapets stretch up;
A flag flies from the highest.
As the afternoon wears on
We go play in the ocean
We soon return though
To a grim sight.
The hour is late;
The tide has rolled in.
The waves crash upon
Our castle's thick walls.
Once tall, our parapet
Has fallen to the ground.
We pick up the flag
And face the sea:
One hand proudly waving
The flag of our creaton;
The other hand is wiping
The tears of our dispair.

The best feeling in the world is when you spend so hours and hours or days and days working on something or for someone, creating something that was beautiful, that you treasure. The worst feeling is when you have to stand back and watch it get destroyed.

It's times like these when I find it very difficult, yet very necessary, to control my emotions, and keep them from leading. Casting blame, or holding anger or grudges only creates problems, and solves nothing. Better to wait, until the tide rolls back out, and you can start again.

If only money could buy happiness, and I had a penny for every time my heart broke.

12-28-02 - Confusion

"The confusion of emotions with behavior causes no end of unnecessary trouble to both adults and children. Behavior can be commanded; emotions can’t. An adult can put controls on a child’s behavior—at least part of the time—but how do you put controls on what a child feels? An adult can impose controls on his own behavior—if he’s grown up—but how does he order what he feels?" - Leontine Young

Have you ever spent time looking for something, then give up, only to find it again later and then realize that it wasn't what you should have been looking for in the first place?
That's what I thought. My trials and tribulations at this point in time seem to be accumulateing around here. This, of course, as well as the quote that I have above. Interesting how that should come to pass after the recent Equilibrium viewing, and the whole emotional thing that I will comment on preasently. I must say that I have no beef with emotions, and I don't want to get rid of them. However, I long ago gave up any credit to the idea of "going with your feelings" or "going with your gut." Nine times out of ten it gets you in troubble. Well, maybe not that much, but at least half. What I need to do, what we all should probably do, is not allow our emotions to have sway over our will. The decisions that we make with our will often impact our emotions, but our emotions should not have impact on the decisions that we make. This isn't just my revelation. The founding fathers had this in mind when they came up with ways to have "justice" and "equality". We do not live in an "eye for an eye" society, though sometimes this wat of thinking proliferates through our corprate and private minds. In light of this, I urge the control of emotions, not by drugs or by force, but by oneself.

Now that that is over with, a few side notes. I am still unemployed. I wish I had a job, I wish it paid well, I wish I could get paid well for doing nothing, but alas, the real world is not the same as the world inside my dreams. Sometimes, in my world of dreams, I am the task assigner in a socialist-type economy... I have a line of people in front of me and I ask them all what they want to do in life, and they tell me, and I say that that was a good idea, but you can'd do it so go beat rocks with a hammer. This however is far from the reality that we all live in most of the time.

I think I am going to quit this extremely long rant.

12-22-02 - Contentment

"But maybe it’s up in the hills under the leaves or in a ditch somewhere. Maybe it’s never found. But what you find, whatever you find, is always only part of the missing, and writing is the way the poet finds out what it is he found." - Paul Engle

11-27-02 - Change

"When you are down and out something always turns up—and it is usually the noses of your friends." - Orson Wells

Today is my last day of work at my job in Downtown Houston. Hopefully I will find a new job that I can earn more money at in my community. What do I feel? Relief... The daily work world and commute seem to be wearing down on me, as most of my peers are not in the same position. The daily monotony of a full time job bores me, but that is something I have learned to live with. Now more then ever I know that variety is the spice of life.

This being my last day of work, however, rather excentuates the fact that after today, I will be unemployed. The sad truth is that I have aquired a strange fondness for the Direct Deposit system, that being twice a month, suddenly, without warning, having more money in my checking account. If there was something I will miss the most about this job though, it would be the computer. This computer is sweet. I am not even going to go into the specs, because it'll probably bore anyone who reads this. Which probably is just you. Whoever you are, I salute you.

PS: In reference to the previous post, I digressed and made generalizations about women. The truth is that only most women I have had experience with have the traits that I discussed. As with every rule there are some exceptions, not to say that it is a rule, I would like very much for it not to be... anyway I'm rambling and will stop preasently.

11-11-02 - Bitterness in a Jar

"For every hour that treacherous trader Love has sold me, I have paid a thousand hours of grief. Out of my heart of hearts, I curse him." -Twain

Girls < Windows. At least when you do something wrong in Windows, it will tell you what you did wrong... sometimes...

Not that I don't like girls, no, I do... But, it's a bittersweet symphony. If you want the pros, you have to take the cons too. Seems though, that the pros are too few and far between to make it worth the cons sometimes. Ah well, fact of life they say.

Regardless, this depressing tidbit is the first bit of actual content I've put on my web page in a long time; not that anyone would notice. Yes, while this little bit of web space called Kateract's home has existed for the better part of 7 years, I probably haven't had more than a thousand visitors ever. No matter: it's entertaining to myself, who cares what other people think of it.

If anyone did care about a particular part of it, like the poetry, get over it; I'll put it back up when I'm done remodeling it like I'm doing with the rest of the website. No, it's not going to be done tomorrow. Yes, I'm putting it off indefinately.

Check out the SWCC Lan party website. I'm one of the admins, and I'm running the tournaments, so post up there if you want a part of them. That's all I got.