Aliroo HeadQuarters Aliroo HQ

            You blink, wondering where you are. Last you remember you had found a little computer and pressed a button. Suddenly, a winged kangaroo comes to you. She's a bit shorter than you think a... Winged Kangaroo...Should be. You're about to walk past her to find intelligent life, when she starts talking!

            "Welcome, weary traveler! My name is Avery. I'm sure all this Dimension Hopping is making you tired. You must have many questions! Or, maybe you are just looking for a place to rest. Either way, you have come to the right place! Welcome to Aliroo Headquarters, located on Silverstreak Island," she grins at you mischeiviously. "I can see you're confused. You must be new to System One! Well, I'll show you to the HQ Building, where you can learn all about where you are." She laughs, and then shimmers. Then, standing before you, you see a silver-colored female of your species! You look closer, and realized she has made some adjustments, so she doesn't look just like you, but she definatly resembles you! Feeling more comfortable, you follow her to a huge building.

            "This is the Aliroo Alliance HQ Building. Inside, you can learn practically anything you'd like to know about Aliroos!"

You realize she must be an Aliroo. You walk inside the building. Avery stays outside, claiming that she's on Welcome Wagon duty.

            Inside is a long hallway. At the end of the hall are two large doors that open when you step towards them. You walk into a spacious lobby. Another silver Aliroo greets you from the front desk.

            "Welcome to Alliance HQ. Where would you like to go?"

No Frames

Aliroos and Natives have flashed this way since 12/5/99

This page is best viewed with a browser like Netscape Communicator, or Internet Explorer 4.0 with your screen set on 800x600 16 million colors. Also, a lot of it is graphic-oriented, although I have ALTed MOST graphics for your convenience.
Watch out for links! I have most of them set on Invisible; If you want to explore Headquarters to it's fullest, run your cursor over the text to search for links.

This site uses the font "ARIAL"

HTML, Design, and Graphics © Blu Flyer (BLUFLYER@JUNO.COM)