Welcome to the Ring of Knowledge

This Webring has been created for All kind of Magickal Systems. It will group any kind of crafts and paths.
If you have a website dealing with magick, rituals and the like, you are welcomed to join in!
But remember, your site must be somehow helpful for the practitioners of the magickal art.

The purposes of this Ring is to be able to get what we magickally need, in one and only place. Also, it will considerably help you increasing your web traffic!

That simple, so effective!

When the logo has been added and the links are working properly, submit your site.

We will then visit your page and if it suits our requirements, you will soon receive by Email a notice that it has been added to the ring.


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If you have any questions please contact me at akzinor@priest.com

Thank you.

Copyrights © Akzinor 1998-99