bubba with dark thing
kid and dark vortex.
orb in front of light
doll that the poulterguist likes to play with and vortex.
Streak on blinds
blow up of streak on blinds
kitchen mist
kitchen mist 2

A guy at work took this pic. It is full of orbs on the left.

These photo's are from my friend L'Aura Aura of the New Jersey Ghost Hunters Society.
Fairview Cemetary Orbs.
PCC Cemetery Orbs.
More PCC Cemetery Orbs.
L'Aura's Visitor (vortex)
Lincoln Ave Cem. Orb.
Scotch Plains Cemetary.
Vortex in Cemetary.
Vortex with diane.
Another Vortex by xmas tree.
Black Vortex
Farnsworth House orb
Vortex casting a shadow
Edgar Allan Poe's grave
Misty Grave
Appears to be a partial apparition

These pictures are from the Department of Justice of Nova Scotia. with permission of Elliott Van Dusen
Ghost Party buffalowoman@lamere.net Ms. Patricia Hopkins
Orbs lots of orbs. Chad E Geist PGHS
Orb in motion. Chad E Geist PGHS
Orb in motion 2. Chad E Geist PGHS
Fishin for ghost. Greg Spitzer spitzegc@jmu.edu
Orb with a shadow Bruce
vortex 1 buffalowoman@lamere.net Ms. Patricia Hopkins
vortex 2 buffalowoman@lamere.net Ms. Patricia Hopkins
vortex 2 buffalowoman@lamere.net Ms. Patricia Hopkins
The Mist buffalowoman@lamere.net Ms. Patricia Hopkins
Halloween vortex buffalowoman@lamere.net Ms. Patricia Hopkins
The Vortex buffalowoman@lamere.net Ms. Patricia Hopkins
A vortex buffalowoman@lamere.net Ms. Patricia Hopkins
Globule buffalowoman@lamere.net Ms. Patricia Hopkins
Orbs on stairs Tim Dennehy - founder of The Ghost Seeker Society
Someone watching over me. Penrose
Where there is smoke? jrbanks@cwix.com
THERE BAAAAACK Ron & Barb Ogburn http://users.desupernet.net/ronnbj Adams County Ghost Hunters ronnbj@mail.cvn.net
I see them Ron & Barb Ogburn http://users.desupernet.net/ronnbj Adams County Ghost Hunters ronnbj@mail.cvn.net
Ectoplasm in Evergreen Cemetary Ft. Lauderdale FL BOB GRASSO
More pictures at Nova Scotia Dept. of Justice

More Pictures
cemetary and ghost pictures.
