This is me as a baby, ha ha ha! I wasn't even 2 years old yet, hey it was brave enough of me to find a picture to put here, eventually you will see some updated pictures here, but for now this will have to do!!
This is my son Joel, I often call The Pook! He's now 12 years old now so the name 'Pook' is not allowed to be used so much..but I still try and call him that! He's my pride and joy! *smiles*
A May 1999 updated picture!!!
The sweetest, nicest, little fellow you'll meet on earth!
Here is a picture of Milo (cat) and D.J. my Dog. Milo just died recently (last month) and we still have our dog D.J. He is a cross between an Airdale and a German Shephard. You've probably seen him on my other page called 'Animals'. D.J. has been in our family now since Joel was a baby. A true loyal companion. Unfortunately we had to have Milo put to sleep because he had an incurable disease and we had tried everything to save him. He had been a gift to Joel from Santa Claus.
Thanks to Yodwynn for making me this lovely gift in memory of my best friend D.J. Wait for me D.J.
Okay, so you are wondering why I have a photo of a Windmill here? Well it goes like this... you see I live near the water and everyday around my lunchbreak you will find me sitting in this very spot! It is a place where I have found peace and tranquility. I sit here and write my letters or poetry, and sometimes just sit here to collect my thoughts and meditate. It is truly a beautiful place. It's located on a street called 'St-Joachim' in Pointe-Claire.
*laughing* Okay, I'm getting a little bit braver and wiser with my scanner now!! This is a photo I found kicking around, it's me at 13 years old!!! *giggling*. I know, you still want to see the latest picture of me right? The version with my crowslines around my eyes ..Ugh.. I promise you, I will dig one up and get it up here soon!
Well today, July 4th,1998 I got in the sentimental mood and was finally able to go through some of my Mum's stuff, pictures, etc.
I came across this picture of my entire family. It was taken in the year 1977, the year my Dad died. On the left side is my eldest sister Ann who is very pregnant in that shot, my Dad, my Mum and myself. The person in the back is my sister Carol.
This is too funny!!! It was a picture taken in 1956 of Ann and Carol, before I was born! Glad they don't have computers to see I've posted this, I'd be in trouble! Check out my Dad's nifty car.
I wanted to add another picture I took from my garden this time. Photography is one of my hobbies and I take tons of pictures! If I master this scanner one of these days, there will be more pictures posted here for you to see.
Here is a picture of Ruth and I. Ruth is my bestfriend! I have been blessed with two very good friends. This picture was taken of Ruth and I on one of our
treasured visits, you see Ruth lives about 500 miles away from me now and is married with 3 wonderful children.
We met when we were around the age of 7 and have had many many fun times together. I'm very lucky to have such a wonderful friend.32 years is a long time! BR>
Oooo! Lucky me!!! This is a great picture of Yodwynn! Yod and I met about a year ago online in chat and I have to say she is one of the closest friends online I have. I hope one day to meet her in person. We have many good laughs together and can be found in icq chat at times giggling our heads off with Egeria! I must bug Egeria to letting me put a picture of her in here as well.
The three of us are a wild combo! I'm so lucky to have these friends online. We always manage somehow to evoke laughter!

This is a picture of Shaw Island. It's where I was in 2001, one of my most favourite places in the world. It's off of Washington State in the San Juan Islands.
This one is of Orcas it's another island there. 
This picture pretty well explains itself eh?! 
This is my nephew Alex, he was on a holiday this month in Spain. What an awesome picture this is of him. 
Alex's birthday! 
Our Dog "BUDDHA" also can be known as the Buddha Pest! 

A fabulous harp workshop with Christina Tourin. Someone I admire, look up too, envy and only wish I could play a harp like her. She's awesome. You can visit her webpage at This person is truly magical and I currently own 3 of her CD's ...
My favourite guy in the world! My he's growing up. He just graduated from Grade 8 and is now in High School. He sure makes me feel so proud. This is Joel. 
Some fabulous people I met and had the honour of being with while they did a Mandala. I learned so much from them. I'll treasure them forever in my heart.

This is all the stuff I have added for today. I leave you with well wishes and hugs for a beautiful day. You are very special to me.
Forrest's Sanctuary