My Adopted Critters

Okay, this is going to be like my goofy page! Things I have collected on the net along my travels.
Yes, this is my bad side, I tend to collect!! So I'll start with my first little guy, his name is Hala Spirit.Isn't he adorable? How could you not love him?

Hala Spirit is a little shy and is known for hiding out in his cave but if you scroll down a bit I am sure that you will catch a little glimpse of him.
I adopted Hala in May of 1997 and here you will find the link if you too are interested in adopting a little dragon friend.

Along came my latest little fellow.. I've named Sprout! Sprout was made especially for the American 4th of July holiday which we don't celebrate here in Canada. So.. I dedicate this little guy to all my friends I've met whom are Americans! Happy 4th of July!

Adopt your Dragon
Okay so we have a little fellow now for the 4th of July! It wouldn't be right if I didn't have one for Canada Day now would it? hmm? So, here he is!! His name is BC Dream. Everyone has a dream right? Well if you read anything on my homepage you would know what one of my dreams are.. hence the name BC Dream.

If you'd like a dragon like "Winnie" click on him and he'll take you to the right place to find them!

'Liza' and 'Spiker' are my Page Punks.
Goddess save the queen.
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Well I'm new to SouthPark, and if I was going to adopt any of those kids it would have to be poor Kenny!! So here he is and he doesn't die on my page lol!

Adopt an Angel
I have to say this is one of my favourite adoptions so far. This is Cymbeline. Cymbeline is a Guardian Angel but a very special one. She adores children and small furry animals. I think we need as many Guardian Angels for our children and all little creatures as here she is!
This is my newest Angel!!! I've named her Lilly after my Grandmother.
Okay, I think the little creepy crawlie here is cute!! I will call her Scooter! She came to stay on July 7th, 1998. And I notice as I am doing this page today that my eggs hatched!!!! Eeek.. I have something rather odd there with multiple heads, and an adorable bunny! Never a dull moment it seems!
I'm a bit upset today! It's October 26th, and I notice my egg is expired!!! Hmmm... well I think I'm going to leave it here for now.. gee.. that's rather nasty I think!

Adopt your Dragon

Happy Thanksgiving to all my American friends and Relatives.
This is my newest Angel, she's here to give us Faith, isn't she beautiful?
I respect all Faiths and ask of the same from you.

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Adopt your Dragon

Adopt your Dragon

This is Thor, he's my new guy, a Gargoyle. He is here to protect me and watch over my site! Kind of a neat looking guy. He believes in the 3 fold law as I do.
Adopt your own little Gargoyle fellow

To Adopt
Happy Valentines Day Everyone!
Send a Spirit Flower!

Adopt your Dragon
Happy St-Patty's Day Everyone!May the luck of the Irish always be with you.

Happy Easter Everyone.
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