and would love to share them with you. Some I have written also.
If you'd like to contribute a gratitude or inspiration please
send it to my email address and I will post it here as well.
I hope these inspirations bring as much joy and happiness to you as they do to me.
Love is as much of an object as an obsession,
Everybody wants it, everybody seeks it,
But few every achieve it,
Those who do, will cherish it
Be lost in it, and among all
Never ... never forget it.
~~~Curtis Judalet~~~
When we come back to all the things that really matter,
then peace begins to settle into our loves like
golden sunlight sifting to a forest floor,
And somewhere deep down inside,
We know that the simplier times are the better times.
Making a friend takes a moment,
Being a friend takes a life time.
There are no strangers, only friends we have yet to meet.
~~~~Ralph Waldo Emerson~~~
Worry does not empty tomorrow of it's sorrow,
It empties today of it's joy.
Chinese Proverb
If there is light in the soul
There will be beauty in the person
If there is beauty in the person
There will be harmony in the house
If there is harmony in the house
There will be order in the nation
If there is order in the nation
There will be peace in the world
The finest inheritance
You can give a child
Is to allow it to make
It's own way...
Completely on it's own
Two feet.
~Isadora Duncan~
There are two ways of spreading light,
To be a candle..
Or the mirror that reflects it.
~Edith Wharton~
*The Wind*
Who has seen the wind?
Neither I nor you...
But when the leaves hang trembling
The wind is passing through...
Who has seen the wind?
Neither you nor I...
But when the trees bow down their heads...
The wind is passing by.
~Christina Rossetti~
Open the windows of calmness
You will find a sudden burst of the bright sun of joy
Which comes from your very self
''I like nonsense,
it wakes up the brain cells.
Fantasy is a
necessary ingredient in living,
it's a way of looking at life
through the wrong end of a telescope.
Which is what I do,
that enables you to laugh at life's realities.''
-Dr. Seuss
~ All The Wealth Of The World
Could Not Buy You A Friend.
Nor Pay You For The Loss Of One.~
This came on a card to me from SoaringSong.
Whether there is such a thing as communication between man and God,
and whether energy can come to the mind of man from an outside source after his death is for each individual to decide for himself.
Science has no such answers.
~*Wilfred Penfield*~
the father of neurosurgery, Montreal, Quebec.
"If we put our hearts together and overcome our hesitation,
we could join our love as
one and storm the gates of heaven.
If the winds of change would blow in the avor of man, resolve
our situation, undo the work of idle temptation..."
-The Cult, "If"
Sent to me by Mandrake, July 26th, 1998
You have noticed that everything an Indian does is in a circle,
and that is because the Power of the World always works in circles,
and everything tries to be round.....
The sky is round,
and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball,
and so are all the stars.
The wind,
in its greatest power,
Birds make their nests in circles,
for theirs is the same religion as ours....
Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing,
and always come back again to where they were.
The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood,
and so it is in everything where power moves.
~~~Black Elk~~~ (1863-1950)
Oglala Sioux Holy Man.
Universal Rx
No moving parts, no batteries,
No monthly payments and no fees;
Inflation proof, non-taxable,
In fact, it's quite relaxable;
It can't be stolen, won't pollute,
One size fits all, do not dilute.
It uses little energy,
But yields results enormously.
Relieves your tension and your stress
Invigorates your happiness;
Combats depression, makes you beam,
And elevates your self-esteem!
Your circulation it corrects
Without unpleasant side effects.
It is, I think, the perfect drug:
May I prescribe, my friends . . . the hug!
(And, of course, fully returnable!)
By Henry Matthew Ward
from A Cup of Chicken Soup
for the Soul Copyright 1996
by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor
Hansen & Barry Spilchuk
I WISH YOU.......
When you're lonely,
I wish you love.
When you're down,
I wish you joy.
When you're troubled,
I wish you peace.
When things are complicated,
I wish you simple beauty.
When things are chaotic,
I wish you inner silence.
When things look empty,
I wish you hope.
I wish I could credit who wrote's beautiful.
Even on a rainy day,
I can feel the sunshine.
Even when the clouds are gray,
I can feel a glow.
There's a little light inside me,
Just keeps burning.
I take it with me,
Everywhere I go.
~Jill Clark~
Time brings summer to a close as well as winter to an end.
Time ages the brilliant petals of flowers as well as prepares new buds...
we can trust that time will bring the good to us as well as take away the bad.
~Amy E. Dean.
I believe that every single event in life happens as an opportunity to choose love over fear.
-Oprah Winfrey
What most people need to learn in life,
is how to love people and use things
instead of
Using people and loving things.
Love is like friendship
Caught on fire.
In the beginning a flame
very pretty, often hot and fierce
but still only light and flickering.
As love grows older
our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals,
deep burning and unquenchable.
~Bruce Lee~
To laugh is to risk appearing the fool.
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental.
To reach out to another is to risk involvement.
To expose feeling is to risk exposing your true self.
To place ideas and dreams before others is to risk their loss.
To love is to risk not being loved in return.
To hope is to risk despair.
To try is to risk failure.
risks must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to
risk nothing. The person who risks nothing, does nothing,
has nothing, is...nothing.
He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he cannot learn,
feel, change, grow, love....and live.
Chained by his servitude
is a slave; he has forfeited his freedom.
Only the person who free !
Freedom comes when the mind is free.
Free from work, free from reality,
The mind soars to new heights and places.
This is where we live.
Reality can not comprehend us,
We go beyond the laws of physics,
The impossible is possible,
And knowledge is meaningless.
Few people know of us,
Yet all are able to see us.
We're in the books, in the art,
In buildings and other things.
Seek us, and you will find us,
Not in reality, but in your heart.
~ author unknown ~
Don't judge yourself by what you do,
but by the meaning you bring to it.
~Knowledge comes from posing a question you can't answer.
Wisdom is gained from failure more than success.
Believe in your abilities and you'll find the courage and heart to keep trying.
Having faith in yourself means trusting that inner voice that offers you encouragement and reassurance in times of trouble.
~He who gives to me
Teaches me to give.
Avoir foi en soi, ca veut dire ecouter la voix interieure qui offre de l'encouragement en temps de difficultes.
Until you try,
you don't know for sure what you can't do.
~The art of conversation is heightened by silence and modesty.~
Kind words mean so much and cost so little.
~We may look with our eyes,
but we see with our heart.
Use adversity to get stronger.
Cherish your friends. Cherissez vos amis.
A handful of friendship is worth more than a wagonful of gold.
To give when asked is good.
To give without asking is better.
~To conquer an enemy,
Make him a friend.~
Silence is bliss.
But laughter is blissful!
~Blessing may often first appear as disappointments.~
The greater the challenge.
the more satisfaction in overcoming it.
Accept disappointment without losing hope.
You can accomplish a lot with a little faith,
and nothing without it.
To the world you may be just one person, but to one person you
may be the world.
Heard on Oprah :-)
"Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host.
But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean."
- Maya Angelou
A friend is someone who knows the song of your soul and sings it
back to you when you've forgotten the words.
I wish you one moment...
... The one you've dreamed of all your life!
... The Universe's resounding "Yes"!
I wish you...
... A quiet place where you can just BE,
... The comfort of promises kept,
and the tenderness of forgiveness.
I wish you...
... The exquisite peace that comes from living your Truth,
whatever that may be,
... Courage to Trust, to Hope, and to Know from somewhere deep,
no matter what others believe.
I wish you...
... A healthy body and restful sleep,
... An open heart and at least one miracle a day,
... Uncontrollable Laughter
... Unconditional Friendship
.... & many, many, half times of peace, love, and happiness.
When you know who you are
When your mission is clear and you burn with the inner fire of unbreakable will;
No cold can touch your heart
No deluge can dampen your purpose
You know that you are alive.
~Chief Seattle~
Man is made by his beliefs.
As he believes, so he is.
~Bhagavad Gita (BC 400)
Some people go through the world (life) trying to find out what the world hold for them, only to find out too late, that it's what they bring to the world that really counds.
~Anne of Green Gables~
last updated: November 25, 2003.
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