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Welcome to my all-new, super-improved home page. I'm continually working on my Unofficial NWT Role Play Page and so I thought I'd work on this one as well for a change, since I've left it alone for the past few months.

Okay, for everyone who doesn't know me, I'm Lendrith Neathrin, the Dawnrider. I'm a member the Netland White Tower.

For the uninitiated, that's an online community based around Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series of fantasy books. Everyone in the NWT creates a character and a biography and procedes to training to become a Warder or an Aes Sedai.

I'm a Warder in Training at the level of Dai-Katana at the moment and I've got my biography on this site as well, so you can read it at the link on the sidebar or below. I'm still trying to figure out what to do with this site, so it's a load of links and general bits at the moment (take a look around), but I'll probably add stuff about the NWT mainly.

visitors since 31 March 1998