metalg1r.gif (11961 bytes)ExaurdonThe Gold metalg1.gif (11943 bytes)


Welcome to Exaurdon's lair. Here you'll find information, links, pictures and useful programs about ad&d. You can download programs and pictures freely.

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My favourire realm is Ansalon. So, if you send me fine stuff, I'll put them here. You can ask me any kind of questions (It'll be beter, if you ask about ad&d). Anyway enjoy it!

If you are living in Istanbul and wanna gather a party, mail me your info and I'll find something good for you...

Eğer İstanbul'da oturuyor ve grup kurmak istiyorsanız, bana e-mail ile bildirebilirsiniz. Nerede oturduğunuzu, yaşınızı ve ne tür oynamak istediğinizi eklemeyi unutmayınız.


My ICQ number is: 8012609 

Take a look at my image gallery...


And here is some information about my friends....

Magical Items, Equipment, downloadable files, ad&d stuff etc.

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