Welcome to my world of Fantasy art and fiction.
My fantasy library is small...I read mainly "mystery"
fiction but I add new books as I find ones that really
appeal. I particularly enjoy the ones featuring
animals. In addition I have pages on one of my hobbies...model
trains, a bit unusual for a woman, I guess, but nonetheless
I love trains so why not feature them?
Also at this site are pages for my award as Liaison's
Choice for August 2001 in the community of Petsburgh and
birthday pages for another Community Leader, my daughter,
Leigh Ann. There is also a page for Lisa, the former Personnel
Liaison of Petsburgh and my 4 Years as a CL page! If you visit
these pages and email me, please mention the name of this site
as I maintain others and sometimes they get mixed up.
I am owned by Pekingese and cats and invite you to visit them
Pekehaven or
Peke Avenue.

My Menagerie
Leigh Ann's Page
Sandi's Page
Page for ME by my daughter
My 4 Year Page
Lisa's Page