

Welcome! This is my website, which is dedicated to Halloween on State Street in Madison, Wisconsin. (Not the rioting part, though.)

Disclaimer of Utmost Import! This site is hosted on a free Geocities site because I'm poor. What that means is, if you look at this site for too long, or if two people try to look at my site at the same time, or if you have a fleeting thought about my site, the site can't handle it and goes down for about an hour.

Okay, that was the disclaimer. Now on to the fun!
Please click on one of the following links, pretty please with extra please on top. Look, I recently made two new sections! About us and What's in store for us next?! Click on one or both, won't you please?

Halloween 1999
Halloween 2000
Halloween 2001
Halloween 2002
Halloween 2003
"The Making of" Halloween 2004
Halloween 2004 - Friday night, 10/29
Halloween 2004 - Saturday night, 10/30
Halloween 2004 - Sunday, October 31st
Halloween 2005 - Friday, October 28
Halloween 2005 - Saturday, October 29
Ryan and Theresa dressed up in 2005! I'm so excited that I had to link the photo here
Halloween 2006 **UPDATED 10/31/06 WITH NEW PHOTOS!**
Madison.com's Halloween site
What's in store for us next?
About us
My cat eating pumpkin innards

1999200020012002200320042005 part one2005 part two2006


Counter visitors since 11/17/02

All content on this page copyright 2006 by Jamie. Please ask before reproducing anything.