Which way is the right path, as I stand upon
this chaotic crossroad of hate...
How many ways are there to roam
on this dark and damned road of Fate...

I am Grayson Carlyle, and this is my life. I was born on Coruscant where at a young age I began to be trained as a fighter. I became proficiant at many forms of martial arts, always being top of my class. I won a few local fighting tournaments but soon found out that I was strong in the force while on a trip to Tatooine, wishing to learn more about this force I returned home to Coruscant only to find my family had been killed. Luckily I got of the planet before I shared the same fate as my family and went to the Nexus.

There at the Nexus I searched to learn more about this force I had heard about, which brought me to meet Neisa Sondra. She started to teach me how to use the force and we fell in love and got engaged. Later, we had gotton into something of a dispute about sides of the force and broke up, in which time I met Susie Owens and fell in love again. When I was just starting to forget about Neisa she showed up again, this time with a little surprise, she was pregnant. She asked if we could get back together but I loved Susie and said no, that was the last I ever saw of her or my child. That didn't matter to me though, I married Susie and things were going well, I had a wife I loved and plenty of friends.

"He who fights with monsters
might take care lest he thereby
become a mosnster

Then most of my friends started to go to DSR, so I wanting to see my friends, followed, going to DSR I made enemies with the Sith wether it be merely because I was a jedi or something else, I was attacked whenever I went there. The Nexus was now pretty much empty and I couldn't go to DSR because I would have been killed. My only choice was to dissapear for a while, the only person I really stayed in contact with was Garrin Bek, my new found instructor in the force.The little training that Garrin had given me before this time wasn't enough to defend myself agaist my superior Sith opponites but I was able to continue my training without being attacked by the Sith, when had learned enough to defend myself I went back to DSR finding things had changed quite a bit. While visiting the Cantina I met up with an old friend, Ellise, only to have her tell me that most of my friends had been murdered while I was away. I left trying to relize just how much had changed. Then after going there for a while, and meating up with old friends that had escaped death's evil grasp, I was ganged up on, and viciously killed. After going agaist my principles and coming back to life through my clone that was made for me on Dastrin, I became much moodier, and find it more difficult to keep my anger in check, and was a victim of the dark sides clutches. After I was helped into finding my way back to the light, I became a student under a long time friend and much respected master, Aden Nak. I am now one of his Inyas Trai jedi in which I have accepted the title jedi knight. I am a jedi warrior none the less and have mastered the art of sabre fighting, and the dangerous double sabred fighting.


my weapons The Harmonium Garrin's HP my wife's HP Inyas Trai


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