That's a wonderful little guy named Master Yoda from the Star Wars movies, gotta love him!!
Here is my Spyderco@ knife,, you should really think about getting one,, it's a wonderful cuttig instrument,, very sharp and holds an edge for a really long time. I also like my Hibben's@ pro folder, which is an awsome knife, but I have to look for a picture for that one.. so when I get one I'll make sure to tell you all in here and you can see how wonderful it is
Here is another wonderful knife, Gil Hibben's Pro Folder@, one of my favorite knives to carry. I am getting better at only carrying a couple knives, my trusty Pro Folder attached to my belt, a knife/lighter combination attached to my keychain, and a bottle opener/knife in my wallet. I have just recently started to also carry a cheap imitation of a Victronix@ knife, or for you people that dont' know knives, a Swiss Army knife. I don't have an actual Swiss Army knife yet, but I plan on changing that as soon as possible. The only thing is I must decide which knife I want, and where to get it cheapest, becuase I have catalogues that would make the prive of a knife drop anywhere from three dollars to half the price on the item. You never know what sale you are going to get unless you look huh? If you have any questions as to which catalogues I use to find and collect my various knives, just sent me an e-mail and I'll get back to you next time I check said e-mail. I always like to keep my audience pleased about my wondrous services < sadly lacking though they may be > ... I can't really think of anything else to say at the moment so just pop back sometime and see my page for improvements.
I have also been getting myself into a game called World Ar Ruins 2 (War2) so if you wnat any info about THAT go to the link below okay?
well well well,, I figured since it has been ages.. < 'prolly a year or two> since I've added or updated my page.. I figured I really should make it a little bit different.. how can I get people here if the page is always the same right?
Anyway.. eheh.. how is everyone on this fine wonderful shitty new year? It's the year 2000,, and no one has blown up the world.. the sun hasn't exploded and taken us with it.. the anti-christ hasn't jumped up and waved his winky around ... and everyone else is trying to act their normal idiotic selves. Great society huh? We always think " Oh No THE WORLD SHALL END ! " Any time you turn around.. someone is saying how Nostradomus was right and we will all die in a year.. I mean c'mon.. if ya wanna see how we are going to die look outside at society's shit.... we are going to kill ourselves with the way we act towards each other.. not by some little bearded bitch in Saudi Arabia or some other place hitting the button to blow up the world.... I mean that's just foolish talk... ANYWAY..eheh. I'll stop talking about the problems with this world and get on to a much nicer topic.. mainly Charlotte.... what a wonderful name.. don't you think? eheh... she's a great person.. I don't know how she does well in school talking to me non-stop until 4-5 in the morning.. but heyy... I can't complain that she wants to talk to me.... < bright smile > I'll stick a picture of her in here so you can see her, and make sure to tell me what ya think!! .. she stuck me in her page.. so she's gunna be in mine!!! click on the picture of the beautiful girl with the phone to get to her page!
and that's her!!!
well that's me... wonderful huh? I don't usually wear the glasses.. but I don't feel like looking around for a pic that doesn't have them.. so you'll have to put up with the glasses bit until I stooop being lazy and get a pic of me without..eheh...
here are some goot midi sounds that I have gotten in my travels over the web,, they are all very very goot,, so listen up to them!!!!!!!!