Author of Straight from the Horse's Mouth and Knower of Everything
Site created January 1, 2000, to bless the new Milennium with Baby Ribbon's precious morsels of priceless wisdom.

Last update was on November 10, 2000. I took the Emigration Page offline, mainly because I accidentally left my extras at my previous residence and have to go get them!

Hello, pony friends!  This is Baby Ribbon.  If you are viewing my site, it must mean that you know the truth.  What truth is that?  Well, if you don't know by now, I'm not going to tell you.

This site is about My Little Pony truth.  We must admit, despite the fact that MLP rules, that some aspects of the My Little Pony world just do not make sense to rational human beings.  At least, not to uninformed rational human beings.  And that is why, in the interest of furthering human-pony relationships, I created "Straight from the Horse's Mouth.

Go to Straight From the Horse's Mouth
Click on the Wise Guy to go to
SFTHM is not the only damage I do.  Check out these other aspects of my virtual home:

Five years worth of custom work . . .
Baby Ribbon's Custom Coloring Books

Real MLP Recipes . . .
Real Recipes You Can Make!

Meet the others . . .
BR's Family (My MLP Collection)

            Enlarge your own family . . .           Trivia from your childhood . . .
Emigration (Ponies for Sale or Trade)Baby Ribbon's Eighties Quiz

Meet the Demented Webmistress
"Humans?  Who said anything about humans?"  Sebastian, The Little Mermaid

Sign My GuestbookGuestbook by GuestWorldView My Guestbook

Read my first, fully illustrated MLP Romance!

Awards and Links
Or . . . the place fondly referred to as the "Ain't I Cool" Section.

Thanks, Moondancer! Go to Moondancer's Dream

Beyond Dream Castle

Thanks, CT!  Visit her cool page . . . Thanks, Moonchild! Go to The Oasis of Desert Rose

Map of Ponyland

Ponies Against Image Nabbing

The Pony Spotlight

 Looking for more MLP links and webrings? 
Click here.

Looking for total unforgiveable stupidity? Click here.


The "Victory Music" from the remastered Return of the Jedi. Yes, I am a Star Wars fan!!

My Little Pony and all My Little Pony characters are copyrighted by Hasbro, even though they don't deserve the honor anymore.
Neither this site nor the author has any affiliation with Hasbro, and no copyright infringement is intended.
Hey, I just piddle around with Composer. . .