Honorable Mentions

Cutesy title, no? This is where I recommend fanfic (of which I read far too much). A brief explanation: If the author has a fanfic page of her own (notice that there aren't too many guys out writing this stuff?), I link to the page. If not, I link to the pieces I especially recommend and tell you where to find the rest (most of the places I suggest can be found on my "Links" page. Got it? Good!

Tanja Kinkel
Quite simply the finest fanfic author out there, IMHO. All of her stuff is worth reading. My favorites are her "Covenants" trilogy and her stand-alone story "Waiting." Tanja has a way of taking characters who had very little screen time and fleshing out their characters so you feel you know them (she converted me to Cassandra fandom). Her work has the ring of truth; when you read it, you honestly believe this is the way things really went. All her stuff can be found at 7th Dimension, the Highlander Quill Club, Voices, and Janeen Grohsmeyer's page. Which brings me to:
Janeen Grohsmeyer
Another author with the ring of truth. My favorite story of hers is "Changed Utterly." Follow that up closely with her experimental Cassandra in "The Tide that Drags" (and you thought "Way of the Witch" was radical--you ain't seen nuthin' yet!) and her entertaining treatise "The Physics of Quickenings." (Warning: Contains math!) I've also been reading her "Hope" series, which is a telling of Cassandra's life. It's not easy reading, but it's well worth it. Quite simply, a must-read author. Violence, sex, and bad language alerts on the "Hope" series, though.
In the mood for something different? Do you order the Mountain Fudge Cake while everyone else orders "just a salad?" Try Amand-r. She looks at life through a Salvador Dali-shaped lens. All her work is fresh and innovative--you read it and realize you haven't read it before. She experiments with voices and tenses in a way few authors dare. Go ahead. Try her. I dare you. If nothing else, take the time to read her incredible Heat Goes to Cold, the best @%#$ Methos fic out there.
Alice in Stonyland
Consistently entertaining, Alice is the author of the best "Raven" fic out there, as well as a fine set of Alexa fics (which I'm a total sucker for). I've especially enjoyed her HL:TR/due South crossovers (Paul Johansson and Paul Gross--mmm!). You can also find her at 7th Dimension, and her Raven fic is at The Raven's Next. And since I've got two members of the Beta Triumvirate up here, I might as well include the Disturbed, Demented, Depraved, Devilish, and Delightful--
Dana Woods
Another consistently entertaining author who uses language well. What do these Beta women know that the rest of the English-speaking world can't seem to figure out? Of special interest are Dana's "Pixie" stories. Now, keep in mind that her OFC, Caly Wilde, uses the most ear-burning language I've ever heard. I mean, it would make middle school boys blush. This is no ordinary bad language warning. Having said that, Caly is also the most engaging OFC I've met yet. These stories will have you laughing your (whatever) off.
Just a wonderful author. She writes beautifully, with the ring of truth. Most of her stuff can be found at Daire's Fanfic Refuge, 7th Dimension under the name Kay Kelly, or at The Raven's Nest. All can be found on my "Links" page. Of special interest are her stories "Absolutely Not," the two holiday stories that follow that one, and "Lone Wolfe."
Keith R.A. DeCandido and Marina Frants
This husband-and-wife team writes the best Highlander/Hercules/Xena fiction out there. Their "Methos Chronicles" are professional quality fiction, and that's no wonder, for both DeCandido and Frants are published authors. Their characterizations of all concerned are dead-on, the stories are by turns amusing, action-packed, and touching. Follow the link to their page and have a great time reading!
Vixen's stories never fail to delight, intrigue, or just plain impress me. She and her private Muse, Genevieve, have a wonderful storytelling style that sucks you right in. Also, her Essays, especially "The Cassandra Apologist", are well worth looking into. My favorites are her pensive post-"Revelation 6:8" pieces "Walking the Witch" and "Sitting the Dead." If you read those, read her Fanfic Poems, too. All her stuff is worth your time, though, so go take a look.
Other stories I've enjoyed:
"Yetta, Yet Another Wife" by Devo. A young woman listens as her grandmother spins the tale of Binyomin, her first husband. This story is a complete departure from your usual HL fanfic: no, and I mean *no* series characters are physically present. No names are mentioned. The concept of Immortality isn't even brought up. But repeat after me: Different is good. Especially in this case. Yetta is absolutely delightful, and it's fascinating to have someone who doesn't have a clue about who Methos really is describe him. This story is funny, it's touching, and it makes you think. In other words, it's all you could ask for in a Highlander fic.

"Even Better" by Melina Clark. **Earns my highest recommendation** This one centers on Michelle Webster, the newbie F'immie from "Rite of Passage." Keep in mind that I could not stand Michelle in that episode. After reading this fic, though, I changed my mind. This Michelle is a wonderful character, very young and unsure of herself, but growing and maturing.

"Damascus Road" by Shannon Hoyt. This story is the missing minutes from the end of "Revelation 6:8." Methos and MacLeod talk, and it is not easy. I chose this one because it first of all fills in a "blank spot" in the series, and secondly, because it deals with the Methos/Darius parallel in a way that doesn't make Methos seem (shudder) self-righteous.

"My Choice" by Highlandlass. This follows the Raven episode "Dead on Arrival." Nick's having a hard time dealing with his Immortality--actually, he's just plain not dealing. Amanda comes to a difficult crossroads as she remembers someone else she loved who couldn't deal with Immortality, and when the two come together, you're guessing right up until the end what's going to happen. Simply riveting. Bad language alert, though--don't say I didn't warn ya.

"Black Sand" by Jeanne Rose. **Earns my highest recommendation** This one's gorgeous. If you haven't taken any other advice from me, follow this link to an amazing story of grief and reconciliation. On the island of Santorini, Methos attempts to come to terms with his own past. Haunting him are Alexa, in his memories, and Cassandra, in the flesh. I implore you to read this one.

"Archangel: The Musical" by Sharon Palmer. Think the episode "Archangel" was worthy of a parody? This is what you've been looking for. This is brilliant musical comedy, from the opening strains of "You Must Believe Me, Highlander" (set to the tune of "Don't Cry for Me, Argentina") to the final overture. Delightful musical numbers (picture Horton and Kronos singing and dancing) and incidental dialogue (Duncan reading some old translations: "Kronos: Hate you. Hate horses. I'm taking Cassan--") make this a must-read.

"Not a Chance in Hell" by Canadian Girl. Kronos climbs the Infernal corporate ladder while Horton faces the ultimate horror in the Afterlife. I had to include this one on account of Horton's punishment for his misdeeds. Punishment, after all, should fit the crime . . . and boy, is it ever true in this case!
