
Lastly, what would a web page be without a few links? These are an assortment of Highlander, Xena, and other stuff I like.

Alaska Man's Homepage
Not only is Alaska Man my brother, but his homepage is a great jumpstart to Highlander on the Web. Be sure to visit Alaska Man's Fanfic Page, where my brother and sister keep their fine fanfics, and the HAM Reviews Page, the finest source of Highlander episode reviews on the Web.
Celedon's Chambers
Celedon maintains the best, I mean, the best HL gallery out there on the Web. There are over 35 pages of Methos alone, not to mention Duncan pages, Richie, Joe, shirtless Duncan . . . you get the picture. Or you will if you enter the Chambers. If you think your hormones can handle it, enter.
The Holyground Highlander Forum
This is the New Home of Forumland, folks. Thanks to JoMadge and Flounder the Brave, we now have a Forum that looks a lot like Rysher but has a lot of added goodies. Forumland is alive and kicking, so please join us!
The Orphanage
The Orphanage has been kept open just in case of an emergency. Bookmark it so you'll have a place to come in case the New Highlander Forum breaks down.
The Clan MacSpam
The Clan that Can! Or is that the Clan in a Can? I can never remember . . .
The MacMINT Asylum
Do you suspect you're loony? Does your neighbor complain to the police about you yelling "Methos! Oh, METHOS!" in the middle of the night? Do you have a thing for Pete's Wicked Ale and blue paint? You may need to be institutionalized. No, we can't help you, but at least you'll be in with people just as nutty as yourself.
7th Dimension Highlander Fanfic Archive
The perfect place to feed your HL Fanfic craving. This is also a great place to archive your own work if you're a new writer
Daire's Fanfic Refuge
A classy place to get your fanfic. Several good authors are here, including Wilusa. Daire is my Spamsib, and she's always willing to help out new authors.
The Raven's Nest
Another Daire fanfic site, this one exclusively devoted to "Highlander: The Raven."
Some of the best HL fanfic on the Web is here, including that of the incomparable Tanja Kinkel. Come and read!
Fan Fiction at Ashton Press
Multi-fandom fanfic. You've gotta come here, if only to read the "Midweek Challenge" entries posted to the Rysher Forum each week. Guaranteed to make you spew.
Quink's Links
All the Highlander links you'll ever need, plus a few more. Surf your brains out.

Non-Highlander Links:

The Sunnydale Slayers
The best Buffy site out there I've so far discovered. This site has it all: an absolutely fabulous episode guide, fanfic, frus, quotes, links, everything. I really can't recommend it enough.
Instant Xena gratification. Scholarly (and sometimes not so scholarly) analysis of all aspects of Xenaica, plus the best episode guide you'll ever come across.
The Ultimate Xena Fanfic Directory
Great source for XWP fanfic
The Australian Xena Information Page
The ultimate source of XWP information, plus a huge collection of (really good) fanfic.
Aegys's Hall of Honor
Instant Honor Harrington gratification. Haven't heard of Honor Harrington? Go here and read all about her. Promise you'll like it.
Grace Community Church
My church's website. Check us out!
The Official 4Him Site
These guys are my absolute favorite singing group. Come here to learn all about them.
The Hunger Site
Got a few seconds and want to feed the hungry? Go here, click your mouse, and have corporate sponsors donate food.
Lieutenant Kitty's Quadrant
Kitty is an old friend of mine from college, and she's made quite the sci-fi humor domain for herself on the Web. Check it out if you want a good laugh!
The 11th Hour
Finally, meet Genre Chick Central, with all the news, information, attitude, and gorgeous men you could ever want to drool at:
The 11th Hour web magazine
