Highlander Fanfic

This is all my Highlander fanfic. The newest stuff is added at the bottom, so if you're a Regular, then 1) I love you, and 2) start scrolling!

My one and only Richie fic, this was originally a gift for my brother, Alaska Man. It takes place outside of Highlander canon ("Archangel" and all that). Not much of a plot--just Richie and Methos discussing marriage. Short and sweet.
Do Us Part?
This one is built upon the Highlander episode "Till Death." What happens when 300 years of marriage are ended by one partner's death?
Way of the Witch
My experimental Cassandra. I pushed her character to the limit with this one and got some very interesting results. You may love this one or hate it, but at the very least, it's a new way of looking at Cassandra and the episodes "Comes a Horseman" and "Revelation 6:8."
New Beginnings
Okay, so I wrote a Methos Love Story! So sue me. This one's longish and involves Methos, a pre-Immortal baby he finds, and the young nurse who takes care of the baby. In other words, lots of love and romance, a little sex, and very little angst. If you like that sort of thing, be my guest. Note: this is Ancient's Child, just renamed.

Goths, Witches, and Creepy-Crawlies

A little follow-up based around a Midweek Challenge. Robin and Methos have a garage sale with some interesting guests.

Will You Still Love Me . . ?

Another follow-up vignette. On Claire's fifth birthday, the family and some guests spend the day at the beach. Robin has a question for her husband.
Gender-Bender Highlander
Based on a thread posted to the Rysher Forum, this fic puts Duncan MacLeod into the body of a woman, his counterpart in another universe. Weirdness ensues.
Time Stands Still
A simple re-telling of the episode "Timeless," entirely from Alexa's POV. At least, that's what I thought until I found myself writing not one, but four Alexa stories. The rest of the quartet is below.
He Sleeps
I had this image in mind of Methos asleep in a bed while Alexa draws him. This is that moment. Very short.
Sunrise Over Santorini
Methos's musings on Alexa as they watch a sunrise together. Even shorter.
Keeping Company
While Methos was away helping MacLeod during the Dark Quickening, Alexa was in Athens--but not alone. None other than Amanda kept her company.
The Way You Look Tonight
Duncan and Amanda have a Moment after the ending of Raven. Very short vignette.
The Child and the Man
A short Harry Potter crossover. Cassandra and Sirius Black compare notes on Duncan and Harry.
The Cat Who Owned Methos
One dark and stormy night, a cat wandered into the ROG's life, ruining his sweater and bringing six rowdy kittens with her.
The Meaning of Methos
What exactly is Methos? Is it a person, a name . . . or something more? Cassandra has a dream, Duncan has a question, and Methos has a revelation.
A Lady's Occupation
Written for the Watcher Wheel. Just how might a young woman convince her father that she wants to be a Watcher?
Scary Stories in the Dark
Written for the Halloween Lyric Wheel. Joe, Methos, Duncan, and Amanda sit around a quiet table on Halloween telling spooky stories. Nope, just that.