Fun Stuff
These are a few things I did for the Highlander Forum. Keep in mind my tongue was quite firmly in my
cheek the whole time. You'll find the Highlander Lyttony at the bottom of the barrel--er, page. If you like these, please email me!
When you're not sure you like it, re-write it. That's my motto. This is my "adjusted" ending of "Highlander: Endgame". Silliness and irreverence to all abounds. Also, a big thank-you goes to Leah CWPack for supplying this with the perfect ending.
Highlander: World Without Angst!
Something I wrote based around a) The Trailer for The Movie (if you don't know what this is, you haven't been hanging around The Highlander Forum enough) and b) a bunch of fanfic cliches.
First Death by Titania
A funny donated by Titania. Methos finally comes clean about his first death. God help us all.
What Life would Really Be Like if Mortals Knew about Immies
Immortals face the ultimate horror.
You Know You Watch Too Much Highlander When . . . by Phouka
My first Guest Fun Stuff. Phouka wrote this up for the HL Forum and I thought it was so funny I asked if I could borrow it..
Full (Smart-Mouthed) Review of "Indiscretions"
This was me analyzing one of my favorite "Highlander" episodes in my own inimitable fashion. Don't know
if I'll be doing any more of these; that's my brother's job.
The REAL Story of Methos and Cassandra: The Lost Screenplay
So ya thought you knew what those two were about, didja? Read this and find the real story. Note: this
one may be hazardous to your health. When it was posted to the Highlander Forum, it brought on a round
of P. Miano jokes. Warning: do not follow that link unless you have a strong stomach!
Cold Feet: The Explanation
Methos (well, Peter Wingfield) turned up on the ill-fated show "Cold Feet" as the author of a marriage
advice book called The Myth of the Perfect Mate. His name--get this--was Conrad something-or-other.
Conrad! Does PW look like a "Conrad?" I ask you! Anyway, this is the explanation behind that
Messing With Canon, Version 2.0
Takes "Highlander: The Raven's" messed-up timeline, combines it with "Archangel," and comes up with
Highlander Lyttony
I threw out a challenge based on the Bulwer-Lytton Contest to the Highlander Forum one day. Basically, I
asked people to come up with the worst opening line to the worst possible Highlander fanfic they could
imagine. To say the challenge was a success would be understating things. I got a huge number of entries.
Some went beyond the one-sentence limit, but they were all so hilarious I kept them. Here is the
compilation of those entries, which all received Dishonorable Mentions. Oh, and if you'd like to contribute,
you may email me. Just keep it clean, huh?
Highlander Lyttony 2: The Renegade Version
As we all know, when something's successful, it must have a sequel. This year's crop is just as Dishonorable as last year's, and then some. If you dare, enter. Oh, and Methos decided to stick his nose in and comment on some of them, so don't be surprised. Again, I welcome new entries; a new one just went in. Email me!