Buffy and Angel's Library
I got hooked on Buffy. More than hooked. Obsessed, really. I can't think of anything else lately. I mean, it's get up . . . think of Buffy . . . shower . . . think of Angel . . . eat breakfast . . . think of Angel shirtless . . . and then stop thinking of anything else. Except maybe the Scoobies and Spike. And Wes and Cordy and Gunn.
This is me filling in the blanks in the second part of "Graduation Day." I wondered what happened "offscreen," so I embroidered a bit. A lot, actually. Read it and see what you think.
Usually Laconic
Oz and Angel have a talk after "Wild at Heart." I love these two. They're kindred spirits. Even though neither one talks much, they understand each other.
Windows to the Soul
Kate Lockley thinks about Angel at the end of "Somnambulist".
To Live & Try in L.A.
Cordy dishes her life story post-Sunnydale and into L.A.
My first really long "Angel" story. A demon lord attacks the dreams of Los Angelenos. In order to stop him, Angel and Cordelia must be "joined with blood, bound in sleep, and guided by friend and foe in the pathways of dreams." Sound dangerous? It really, really is. Six chapters, complete. A Fall 2001 Halo Awards nominee! (Best Angel)
A Letter from Screwtape to Mr. Holland Manners, Esq.
I co-opted C.S. Lewis' most famous demon for this. Screwtape airs his opinion on Angel's situation, plus a few other things, in this letter to Holland Manners. A Fall 2001 Halo Awards nominee! (Best Humor)
One Lucky Guy
An expanded version of Riley and Spike's talk in "Into the Woods." Spike lets Riley in on a few things re: love, hate, vampires in general, and Angel in particular.
A longer version of the talk between Kate and Angel in "Epiphany."
Making the Call
Someone had to call Angel and tell him of Joyce's death. Xander, lucky fellow, got stuck with the job.
Dawn and the Dead
Portents cause Buffy to panic and send Dawn to L.A. one weekend (post-"Forever"/"Disharmony"). A ticked-off 14-year-old may be more than Angel Investigations can handle--especially when feelings are still so fragile among the team. Seven chapters, complete. A Fall 2001 Halo Awards nominee! (Best Buffy/Angel Crossover, Best Characterization--Dawn)
'Ships that Pass Into Type
Okay, so my secret is out: I'm a sucker for 'shipper (that's relation-shipper) fic, particularly of the Angel/Cordelia variety. But I got to wondering what the characters would think. Therefore, one afternoon, I rounded up a few muses and presented them with a sampling of 'shipper fic of all varieties and recorded their conversation. Follow the above link, but only if you don't embarrass easily.
This is what happens when I ask questions like, "What was up with that Redshirt monk in 'No Place Like Home'?" I named him Janusz, and he told me the most amazing story of a young boy in a monastery and the beautiful energy being called the Key, who he named Aurora . . .
Elegy for a Fallen Heroine
My contribution to the post-"Gift" angstfest. The L.A. crew comes to Sunnydale for Buffy's funeral, and all is most certainly not well. The Scoobies are grieving, Dawn's traumatized, Angel's repressing, Cordy and Wesley are worried, and Spike is annoyed. Nine chapters, complete. A Fall 2001 Halo Awards nominee! (Best Drama, Best Episodic Story)
Coming soon: "Ties That Bind."
Dawn comes to L.A. post-"Gift." So does Spike. So does Wesley's adventure-seeking niece, Rebecca Martin-Pryce. And they may not even be the worst of the Fang Gang's problems.