Compiled by G.I.Joe collector and enthusiast Simon Hurley, an eight-book series titled The G.I.Joe Complete Collector's Set contains copies of EVERY file card and blueprint that was included with the toys for the ENTIRE U.S. 3 3/4" line, and a good deal of additional, international and custom material. All eight limited edition volumes are printed and bound soft cover books.

Volumes 1-7 are currently available, containing the following:

Volume I: Blueprints (1982-1987) - Contains full-page clear B&W copies of the blueprint page from the instruction sheets of EVERY G.I.Joe vehicle and piece of equipment released from the start of the line in 1982 up to and including the 1987 line. Included are: Battle Force 2000; large sets like the USS Flagg, the Terror Drome, G.I.Joe Headquarters, the Mobile Command Center, and the entire Defiant Space Shuttle Complex; rare Sears exclusives including the Cobra Missile Command Headquarters, the 4 Dreadnok Assault Vehicles, and the Crimson Guard CAT, SMS, and Canadian MMS; the rare Crossfire RC; mail-in exclusives like the HALO parachute pack and the Manta windsurfer; and more! 135 pages, $15.00.

Volume II: Blueprints (1988-1997) - Contains full-page clear B&W copies of the blueprint page from the instruction sheets of EVERY G.I.Joe vehicle and piece of equipment released from 1988 up to and including the cancellation of the line in 1994. Included are: Tiger Force, Slaughter's Marauders, Sky Patrol, Eco-Warriors, Star Brigade, and Ninja Force lines; large sets like the General battle station, the Crusader space shuttle, the Rolling Thunder, the Thunderclap, and the G.I.Joe Headquarters II; Toys 'R Us exclusives including the Night Force and Dino-Hunter lines; the Hall Of Fame and Street Fighter vehicle lines; and more! Also includes the entire 1997 re-release of G.I.Joe vehicles! 150 pages, $15.00.

Volume III: File cards (1982-1989) - Contains 3-per-page clear full-size B&W copies of the file cards from EVERY G.I.Joe figure released from the start of the line in 1982 up to and including the 1989 line. Included are: Battle Force 2000, Tiger Force, Slaughter's Marauders, Python Patrol, Cobra-La, and the Renegades; rare vehicle pilots including the USS Flagg admiral, the Defiant driver and astronaut, the Crossfire driver, the Mobile Command Center Driver, and the Terror Drome pilot; store exclusives including the Brazil Mission Set and the Night Force line; mail-in exclusives; and more! 115 pages, $15.00.

Volume IV: File cards (1990-1997) - Contains 3-per-page clear full-size B&W copies of the file cards from EVERY G.I.Joe figure released from 1990 up to and including the end of the line in 1994. Included are: Eco-Warriors, Ninja Force, Sonic Fighters, Star Brigade, Sky Patrol, Air Commandos, D.E.F., Mega-Marines, and the Street Fighters; store exclusives including the Night Force and Dino-Hunters lines; mail-in exclusives including the 1993 special missions teams; the rare Nitro-Viper card from the 1994 Convention Magazine; and more! Also includes the entire 1997 re-release of G.I.Joe figures and EXTREMELY rare copies of the unreleased 1994 Star Brigade Manimals file cards! 125 pages, $15.00.

Volume V: Special Forces - Contains clear, full-size B&W copies of file cards, blueprints, and other material from several G.I.Joe lines and U.S. G.I.Joe-related lines.  Included are: a complete set of blueprints and file cards from 1998 (marking the final cancellation of the 3 3/4" G.I.Joe line) and the Hall of Fame (12", from 1991-1994); copies of the Impel (1991) and Comic Images (1994) card sets; file cards from the 1989 Micro-Figures; dossiers from the Nintendo video games; file cards for action figure lines by Hasbro and other companies related to the main G.I.Joe line, including Sgt. Savage, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighters, and the Bronze Bombers; and more!  Also includes copies of an extremely rare set of 6 G.I.Joe file cards, created exclusively by Hasbro in 1990 for Wal-Mart as part of an internal promotion.  250 pages, $20.00.

Volume VI: International G.I.Joe - Contains clear, full-size B&W copies of file cards, blueprints, and other material from several international G.I.Joe lines by Habro and other companies all around the world.  Includes G.I.Joe file cards and blueprints from Canada, Mexico, Argentina, England, Italy, Brazil, Japan, China, Norway, France, Spain, India, and several other countries; translations into English of several Brazilian exclusives; the Australian exclusive D.E.F line; the U.K. exclusive Action Force and Tiger Force lines; and more!  250 pages, $20.00.

Volume VII: Dossiers and Equipment Specs - Contains clear, full-size B&W copies of profiles, dossiers, equipment specs, and pinups from the Marvel Comics G.I.Joe series.  Included are: the complete Order of Battle set from the 1987 comic mini-series, including extra ones from the trade paperback release; character profiles and equipment specs from the yearbooks and early issues of the comics; maps and headquarters layouts; dossiers and equipment specs from the European Action Force series; dossiers, equipment specs, and pinups from the last few years of the G.I.Joe comic; and more!  250 pages, $20.00.


Volume VIII: Missing In Action - Contains clear, full-size B&W copies of never-released, authentic-looking G.I.Joe file cards, custom-made by Simon (a knowledgeable G.I.Joe collector and enthusiast), fully detailed with additional explanations of where each character came from and how their file cards were made. Contains file cards for characters from the comics and cartoons which were never made into figures, figures which didn't have file cards made for them, and Hasbro's uncompleted toy concepts including the entire 1995 A Real American Hero line (which was cancelled and replaced by Sgt. Savage). Included are: the Oktober Guard, including their Star Brigade versions; Storm Shadow's Arashikage ninja clan; Snake-Eyes' Vietnam LRRP unit; the 1993 Eco-Warriors; Crimson Guards, Medi-Viper, Air-Viper, Billy, and Pythona; G.I.Joe Generals; Steel Brigade, Rawhide trainees, and Create-A-Cobra; and the unreleased 1995 line, including the Alien Encounter figures, new Manimals, Replicator clones, Battle Corps Rangers, Ninja Commandos, Ice Force, Sea Force, and the Firefighters. Also includes vehicle driver file cards for never-released prototype vehicles, and a set of exclusive full page vehicle blueprints, including the G.I.Joe train, Hercules C-130, Cobra Transport Helicopter, the Firefighter team, and many more! Nearly 150 file cards in all; nearly 50 blueprints; maps of the G.I.Joe world; building schematics of headquarters, hideouts, and other structures; fully detailed and updated maps; military command charts for the G.I.Joe and Cobra armies; G.I.Joe and Cobra logos and medals; and more! 150 pages, $20.00
Please note: prices cover copying, binding, and shipping costs only – these are NOT being produced for ANY profit.

These books are not sponsored or endorsed by Hasbro, Inc.   G.I. Joe, "A Real American Hero", its associated logos, COBRA, all character, group, and vehicle names and their respective likenesses are registered trademarks of Hasbro, Inc.  All other comic book material is copyright Marvel Comics.  No trademark or copyright infringement is intended - these are merely to aid collectors in completing their collections.

Print out box and mail along with check or money order, or e-mail to be put on the mailing list.  Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery.

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Volume 1: Tech-Specs (1984-1990) - Contains 5-per-page clear full-size B&W copies of the tech-specs from EVERY Transformer released from 1984 up to and including the end of the Generation 1 line in 1990. Included are: all the special teams and combiners, Pretenders, Nebulon combiners, Action Masters, Micro Masters, and more! Also includes rare tech specs from mail-ins and combiner gift sets! 100 pages, $15.00.

Volume 2: Profiles - Contains clear, full-size B&W copies of profiles from the Marvel Comics Transformers series.  Included are: the complete Transformers Universe set from the 1987 comic mini-series, including ones left out of the trade paperback release; and the remaining profiles from the last few years of the Transformers comic; and more!  250 pages, $20.00.

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Simon Hurley  
18800 Lina Street  
Apt. #608  
Dallas, TX 75287  

E-mail For More Info:

G.I.Joe Volume I:  
Blueprints  (1982-1987)
  $15.00 $
G.I.Joe Volume II:  
Blueprints (1988-1997)
  $15.00 $
G.I.Joe Volume III:  
File Cards (1982-1989)
  $15.00 $
G.I.Joe Volume IV:  
File Cards (1990-1997)
  $15.00 $
G.I.Joe Volume V:  
Special Forces (1998 & related)
  $20.00 $
G.I.Joe Volume VI:  
International G.I.Joe
  $20.00 $
G.I.Joe Volume VII:  
Dossiers & Equipment Specs
  $20.00 $
Transformers Volume 1: Tech Specs (1984-1990)   $15.00 $
Transformers Volume 2: Profiles 
(Comic Dossiers)
  $20.00 $
Total:   $