Valentine's Day
Retold/written down by Heather Jean
Edited by Pauline, Renae, Dith, and most of the Voyager Crew
SUMMARY: It's Valentine's day on Voyager. You get to see what happens.

HJ = Heather Jean
Pa = Pauline
R = Janalyn/Renae
Me = Meredith
J = Kathryn Janeway
Ch = Chakotay
Tu = Tuvok
P = Tom Paris
7 = 7 of 9 / Annika
B = B'Elanna Torres
N = Neelix
D = Doctor
C = Computer
JC = Joe Carey
H = Harry Kim
Everything else, you'll figure it out

Hello!! I'd like to tell you now, I'm not on Earth. I am on
Voyager in the year 2376. We've found/built a spatial
anomaly to my computer in 1998. (not asking how Pauline did
it, just taking it for granted.) My brother has been kind
enough to send our e-mails to all of you out. Thank you,
Donald!!! (you're welcome)

Oh, I'd like to point out that Captain Janeway is, and I
don't want to get her in trouble for this, she's often times
a little less... severe than Paramount makes her out to be.
I realize we go into some boring minute details once in a
while, but we want you to get the full effect of everything
that went on.

And, for all of you out there who don't understand
Trek/Military time, it's translated for you. If you care,
here's the explanation: if it's less than twelve, it's that
time AM. If it's more than twelve, subtract twelve from it
and it's that time PM. Simple, I hope.

Legal B.S.: You're probably thinking, 'this proves she's
joking!', right? WRONG!! I just wanted to say that no one is
making money off the truth. Paramount still owns the cameras
that we still haven't found, yet, and the actors they use so
that none of the actual people are seen. Hey, have any of
you seen us on TV yet?

Now, on with the dramatic story, as it actually happened!!
(oh, BTW. We haven't figured out why yet, but some things
are going back to 1998 earlier than others. You might see
fanfic with us in it that's already out, as my brother says
is happening.)

Message written by Heather Jean. Send comments to:
My brother will get them to us.

The date: February 10th
Setting: Voyager's mess hall (surprise, surprise)

HJ: Neelix, there's an old Earth holiday coming up in four
days. I want to have a party. Will you help me plan it?

N: I'd be glad to. But, you might want to check with the
captain. Get permission.

HJ: All right. I'll be back in a few minutes. (She walks
out) Heather Jean to Janeway.

J: Janeway here.

HJ: Are you busy, captain? I'd like to talk to you.

J: Meet me in my ready room in five minutes.

HJ: How about ten? I'm coming from the mess hall.

J: Ten minutes it is. Janeway out.

Ten Minutes Later - Janeway's ready room
The RR door chimes.

J: Enter.

HJ: (Walks in, and gets right to the point.) Captain, do you know of an
Earth holiday, St. Valentine's day?

J: I know OF it, but the federation doesn't celebrate it

HJ: I think we should. It's been a while since the whole
ship had a party. Granted, I had one three weeks ago, but it
was for that Scottish poet Robert Burns. The whole ship
needs to celebrate, and I think this is the PERFECT chance to
have a party and be a little romantic.

J: What did you have in mind?

HJ: A party, hosted by me and my friends... with Neelix's

J: Will he be cooking?

HJ: Yes... But only what I tell him to.

J: When will it be?

HJ: (grins) February 14th, Holodeck one, 1700 hours to
whenever it stops.

J: Have Mr. Neelix announce it in his news broadcast tomorrow

HJ: THANK YOU!!!!! (hugs Janeway excitedly, and runs out.)

J: (Shaking her head) You'd never know she was 16.

6 minutes later...
HJ: (runs into the mess hall, almost knocking over an ensign.)
Sorry, Jack! NEELIX! Neelix!

N: Yes? What's wrong?

HJ: Nothing! Everything is right with the world! She said we
could! She said to have you announce it in your news
broadcast tomorrow morning. Date, time, and place.

N: That's wonderful! Now, let's plan! (They lean over a
PADD together, planning the biggest Valentine's party in the
history of the universe... Or at least the biggest party on Voyager ever.)

The next morning - Neelix's announcement

N: I've got a surprise for all of you this morning, that
might make the next four days a little more bearable. As
many of you know, there is an old Earth holiday coming up on
the 14th of February. St. Valentine's day. One of our
newest additions to the crew, Heather Jean Wilson, is hosting
a party that night. With my help, of course. It will take
place on Holodeck one, beginning at 1700 hours, and lasting
until it's over. Her orders, as resident expert, are to
bring a date if you can, and to dress in red, white, or pink.
If you have any questions, contact her. And now, for the
rest of the news.......

Tom enters the mess hall, grabs some food, and sits across
the table from B'Elanna.

P: Did you hear about the party?

B: Yup.

P: How about I pick you up 15 minutes before-hand?

B: You're assuming I don't already have a date.

P: Well, it seemed only natural... Who is it? Joe? Vorik?... You
don't really, do you?

B: Of course I do. A pretty girl like me gets lots of
invitations. And no, it's not Joe. Nor is it that Vulcan P'Taq.

P: B'Elanna, I—

B: (Starts laughing) How about 20 minutes fore-hand?

P: (sighs in relief, and looks at her lovingly.) Done deal.

Jeffries tube 47 Alpha
H: Seven... (kisses her on the lips.)

7: Harry... (kisses him on the neck.)

H: Did you hear about the party?

7: Pick me up 15 minutes before it starts.

H: O-kay. Now that we have that settled. (He unzips her
outfit, and she does the same to him.)

Janeway's ready room
J: I presume you heard about the party?

Ch: Yes. (He reaches over her desk, and takes her hand,
knight-in-shining-armour style, he kisses the back of it.)
I was hoping you'd consider accompanying me. ["Someday lady
you'll accompany me. It's written down somewhere it's got to
be...." Oh, sorry.]

J: We'll want to make an entrance, won't we.

Ch: Only if you do, m' lady. [wait a white knight second.
When did Chakotay start studying Medieval chivalry?!]

J: Pick me up 15 minutes before-hand.

Ch: Yes, m' lady. Now, I'm going to go get some sleep and
visit my spirit guide. (He walks out.)

February 14th, 1600 hours (4:00 pm).
Torres' quarters

B: By Kahless, why did I let myself get talked into this?!
Red, pink or white. It's silly!!.... ARGH!! Torres to

J: Janeway here.

B: Captain, I don't know what to wear!

J: (sighs in relief.) I'm not alone! I'll be there in a
moment. I don't know what to wear either. Janeway out.

7 minutes later
B'Elanna's door chimes.

B: Come in. (Janeway enters)

7: Seven to Janeway.

J: (Smiles a little.) Janeway here. Yes, Seven?

7: I... need help preparing.

J: (looks at 'Lanna, who nods. ['Lanna and Seven can
get along once in a while. When they try. ]) Come to B'Elanna's quarters.

7: Aye, Captain. Seven out.

3 minutes later
Her door chimes again.

B: Come in. (7 enters.)

J: I think we need Heather Jean's advice on this. As Neelix
said, she's the resident expert. (The other two nod.)
Janeway to Heather Jean.

HJ: Yes, Captain?

J: We need your advice on clothes.

HJ: On clothes? Me?! Um, sure where are you?

J: B'Elanna's quarters.

HJ: I'll be there, lickedy-split.

J: Great. Janeway out.

3 more minutes later
And again, it chimes.

B: Come! (HJ enters) What do you suggest we wear?

HJ: Um... (Walks over to the bed, where all the clothes are
laying.) Well, B'Elanna, ummm, Tom's wearing... Nevermind.
Wear this. (Hands her a bright red, skin tight, velvet,
sleeveless, floor length, high thigh slit dress.) We'll deal with
hair in a minute. Kathryn... (Hands her a white, crushed
velvet, spaghetti strap, low-cut, mini-skirt dress.) And,...
Um, ... Seven... (Looks through clothes pile.) I've got NO
idea... Wait! (walks into the other room, and comes back a
moment later with two pieces. one is a light pink, skin
tight, tank-top belly-shirt, with hot pink hearts, and the
other is a floor-legnth, hot pink, skin tight, high thigh slit
skirt with light pink hearts. [sorry Barbie lovers! It HAD
to be done!])

7: Are you sure about this? I don't think—

HJ: That's right. You don't. Just put it on, Barbie!
(all three put on their clothes.) You're all beautiful. Now
for your hair. [BTW. Kathryn's has grown to past her
shoulders, and that's where 7's is too, but B'Elanna's is
still the same length as ever.] B'Elanna, how about... no,
Kath, I'll do that to you. (She puts Janeway's hair into a
French roll, like Seven's usually is, with curled tendrils
framing her face.) Well? Scale of 1 to 10.

B: 9. I never give a perfect score.

7: Same.

J: 10!! I love it!!

HJ: And so will Chakotay. Now, B'Elanna... Hmmm.... Kathryn,
what do you think about (Whispers in the captain's ear.)

J: I think Tom would approve.

HJ: O-Kay. (Puts B'Elanna's hair into a french braid.)
Leave that in all night, and take it out in the morning, and
your hair will be SO pretty when you have breakfast with Tom
tomorrow morning. Now, Seven, I'm just going to... (parts
her hair just above her left temple, and straight back. She
pins the big side with a pink heart hair clip.) Beautiful.
Um, did you two tell Harry and Chakotay to pick you up here?

7 + J: Oops.

HJ: No biggie. I'll tell them. But, I have to go get ready
now. If you'll excuse me... (walks out.)

1645 hours (4:45 pm)
No, B'Elanna's door doesn't shut up.

B: Come in! (She crosses her fingers in the old Terran
tradition of good luck and wishing, hoping it's Tom.
Chakotay enters. He's wearing a completely white suit. He
swallows at the sight of his beloved.)

Ch: (smiles.) Are you ready, my dear?

J: Of course! (She takes his offered arm, and they walk

1647 hours (4:47 pm)
Yet again.

B: Enter. (her fingers are crossed again. Harry enters, and
does a double take. He's wearing a light and hot pink
tuxedo. [Do you get the feeling I talked to the guys on my
way to B'Elanna's quarters?]

H: Hi, um... Ready to go? (they're both blushing.)

7: Yes. (they walk out together.)

B: Trust Tom to always be late!

1705 hours (5:05 pm)
For the last time in this retelling, B'Elanna's door chimes.
Late as usual, it's Tom.

B: Come in, Tom. (He does. He's wearing a completely red
tux, holding a red, heart-shaped box of chocolates, and a
dozen red roses.)

P: I brought you presents.

B: Why? So I won't be mad at you for being 25 minutes late?

P: That too. But I've been studying Valentine's day, and
this is the traditional present.

B: You couldn't come up with anything original? Nevermind.
We have to go.

İİ1710 hours (5:10 pm), Holodeck oneİİ
Tom and B'Elanna enter the Holodeck, running a ballroom
program, in awe of the decorations. The table-cloths, the
walls, the carpet and some of the streamers are pink. The
other streamers are red and white. The flowers on the
tables, in red white and pink vases, are red white and pink
carnations, one of each colour in each vase. The dance floor
is redwood. EVERYONE is dressed in pink, excluding the J/C
couple in white, and the P/T couple in red. [I couldn't
figure out how to put it in the story, so I'll just tell you.
I told the rest of the crew, as a surprise to the
two couples, to wear pink. So yes, it WAS intentional.]
There are tables ready to be set with food, made only for two

Just as they enter, Heather Jean walks up to them.

HJ: Oh, I'm so glad you made it! The snacks are over there.
(points to a buffet table with lots of heart-shaped and pink
refreshments.) Dinner will be served at 2000 hours, and
until then it's dance 'til you drop!! Have fun!! (She
bounces off, back to her escort. A cute, fresh-out-of-the-
academy Ensign from Stellar Cartography.)

P: Well, you heard her. 'Dance 'til you drop.' Care to join
me on the dance floor?

B: I was afraid you wouldn't ask, Flyboy.

He leads her dance floor to first notes of a slow song.


After listening to 3 solid hours of music, an old-fashioned
Grandfather clock set to military time chimes 20. It's 2000
hours (8:00 pm.). Heather Jean steps up to the microphone.

HJ: If you would all please take your seats, we can have
dinner. By the way, Neelix cooked, (the room groans) but I
told him what to do, and stood over him the entire time. It
doesn't have leola root in it, I promise. (The room claps.)
Glad you approve. Now, for grace. Silence, please. (The
room shuts up, and everyone bows their heads. [Why do we do
that anyway? Nevermind. Rhetorical question.]) We would
like to thank the powers that be [NOT the writers of STV! I
was using that as a way to honor everyone's beliefs! Well,
it works.] for the food we are about to eat, for the music,
enjoyment and dancing we have had and will have at this party
tonight, and for the love this day represents. We thank them
for the relationships we celebrate today, past present and future.
For the ones we've had that we may still be true to, for the ones we have and
enjoy on this day and time, (Tom and B'Elanna smile, and
squeeze hands.) and for the ones that will blossom in the
coming year. And we ask them to keep those relationships
strong, unyielding, and everlasting. And with that,
Amen. (The room echoes with "amen"s.) Let's eat! (The room
starts to buzz with conversations.)

P: Heather Jean! (she looks at him. He waves at her to come
over, and she does.)

HJ: Yes? [Me and Tom are good friends, by the way. Like
Harry and B'Elanna.]

P: (pulls a box out from under his seat. A heart-shaped
box.) Happy Valentine's Day. And thanks for the advice.
(winks at her, and she smiles.)

HJ: (opens the box) OOH! Chocolate!! Thank you!! (Kisses
Tom on the cheek.)

B: Hey! (Playfully.)

HJ: Don't worry, B'Elanna. I'm not going to steal him. He's
too much of a big brother to me... And too old for me too!!

B: Good. Now go find Jason. He'll be waiting for you. (HJ
runs off) Those two make the cutest couple.

P: Don't they? (He glances over to the table containing
Janeway and Chakotay, smiles and points.) So do they. (just
as he says that, Janeway opens a box, smiles, leans over, and
kisses Chakotay on the lips. [DUH! where else would it be?] )
Oh! I've got another present for you.

B: (cautiously) What is it?

P: (pulls a small, red velvet box out of his jacket pocket.)
This. (she opens it. It's a bracelet.) The gold is for the
color of your skin; the pearls are so it matches your pearl
necklace; the diamonds are for the sparkling of your eyes,
and the garnet is for two things. Your birthstone, and for
the aching you cause in my heart every time I look at you.

B: Oh, really. Maybe a heart massage would help. [well, in
Revulsion it didn't help her much. But then, it wasn't from
her lover-boy.] (She rests her hand over his heart. He
groans a little, like he's restraining himself.)

P: Ohhh, don't. (he reaches into the box, and clasps the
bracelet onto her wrist. She pulls her hand of his chest,
but he grabs it and holds it. They eat the dinner in front
of them, talking quietly.)

Janeway and Chakotay- right after grace
Ch: Look at that. Tom got Heather Jean chocolate.

J: That's sweet... No pun intended.

Ch: I got you something for you, too.

J: Really? You know you didn't have to!

Ch: I know. But Kathryn, you are the reason I wake up every
morning [see Celine Dion's 'the Reason'. "you are the
reason. You are the reason I wake up every day. Sleep
through the night. You are the reason. The reason. In the
middle of the night I'm going down 'cause I want you. I want
to touch you. I want to floor you. You are the reason,
baby."], and pull myself to duty on that bridge. Because I
know I'll see your smiling, loving, determined face, and that
give me energy. So, I got you something. (He pulls a
similar velvet box out of his jacket. She opens it. It's a

J: It's beautiful. (kisses him on the lips.) Tell me what it

Ch: [all right, you all know it's about to be Native
American. I didn't actually ask him for the REAL explanation
yet, well, at least he won't give to me.] The fire
in the middle is for the fire inside of you that flames the
fire in me. The fire that I see in your eyes whenever our
crew is threatened. The wolf is for your spirit guide, and the deer for
the soft side of you that you don't let show often enough.
The red-orange beads represent the beauty of your hair, the
gray-blue ones are for your eyes, the green ones for your
love of nature, and the red ones for your command.

J: (Puts the necklace on.) I'll never take it off.

Ch: Well, I wouldn't go that far.

Heather Jean and Jason Hanson

HJ: Hi! (walking up to the table.)

JH: Hi. What's that?

HJ: Chocolate, from Tom.

JH: Oh, I see. (she sets the box on the table, and kisses
him gently before sitting down.) What was that for?

HJ: Happy Valentine's Day.

JH: I got you a present. (pulls out a red velvet box.)

HJ: This is odd. Harry, Tom and Chakotay gave their dates
necklaces in red velvet boxes. I talked to them earlier.
Did the four of you plan that?

JH: Yes.

HJ: I see. Well, then, I guess I should open it.

JH: It would be nice.

HJ: (opens the box. It's not a necklace, remarkably enough.
It's a necklace AND a ring.) WOW! They're beautiful! What
are they, though?

JH: Well, the charm on the necklace is garnet surrounded by
emeralds, and the ring is a garnet with emeralds on either

HJ: They're beautiful! Oh, thank you. Now, let's eat.

2130 hours (9:30 pm)

HJ: Well, dinner's over. I'd better go start the music.
(walks up to the microphone) Attention! It's time to dance,
dance, dance! So, lets par-tay! (the music starts, and
Jason spins Heather Jean to the dance floor. No one else
gets up, they just watch the two dance for a couple songs.)

P: I think it's our turn. Agreed?

B: Agreed. (they walk out, Heather Jean and Jason walk off,
and those two are the star couple for a few dances. It goes
this way for every couple until the wee hours of the

February 15th, 300 hours (3:00 am)

B: I'm exhausted. I'd better go.

P: I'll escort you to your quarters, madam. (They walk out,
holding hands, leaning on each other. Somehow, they make it
to her quarters.)

B: Come in with me.

P: B'Elanna, I had fun, but I need some rest.

B: Please?

P: Gladly. [He was just saying that so he wouldn't look too
eager, but you can't hide it if you actually want to do what
you're saying no to, am I right?]

B: (They walk into her quarters,
and she, being the aggressive one, starts to pull off he
dress. He promptly pulls off his jacket and shirt, and she
runs her fingers through his chest hair as he kisses her
forehead gently.) I've been waiting for you to kiss me like
this all night.

P: I know. But I really have to go. Unless...

B: My couch is halfway comfortable. I don't think you'd make
it back there if you're as exhausted as I am.

P: I agree. [and I'm leaving it at that.]

Janeway and Chakotay - 0500 hours

J: Everyone's leaving. I'd better go. I'll see you in the
morning, on the bridge.

Ch: Than I guess I have a reason to sleep tonight. So I can
get up tomorrow morning. But, on one condition.

J: What?

Ch: (Leads her out to the emptying dance floor, and sits her
on his knee. Another red velvet box appears from his jacket
pocket.) Kathryn will you marry me? (the room goes silent,
staring at them.)

J: I... Um... Yes. Yes, I will. (they share a long,
lingering kiss, and the room claps.
B'Elanna will be sorry they missed this. But, oh well.
Life's rough.>)


Please excuse the fact that I didn't follow up on Harry and
Seven. I didn't have time to write it down, since the crew is
planning a talent show. I'll get an addition written, and posted soon.

Feedback is appreciated!