Well, as you very well know by now, the four of us are on Voyager. But we wrote this about a year before we were beamed up. Heck, even before we knew about fanfic. But Tom and B'Elanna think it's hilarious, so... enjoy!
The truth is rated R,
but we know that never stops Paramount, so this is PT 13.
P=Tom Paris
B=B'Elanna Torres
BL=Borg Lady
H=Harry Kim
J: Janeway to B'Elanna.
We need you down in Engineering
B: (over comm link)
I'm-stop! I'm a little busy, Captain.
Can it wait?
J: B'Elanna, I know
you and Tom just got married, but the
warp core is fluctuating!
If you don't get there now, we'll
have to eject the warp
core again. And we all know what
happened last time we
did that.
B: On my way!
Torres out! (getting dressed ) Sorry, Tom.
I've got to go save our
butts again.
P: O.K. Any idea how long it'll take? I think I can find a
Bat'leth around here somewhere.
(looks under bed, and pulls
out a dagger of B'Elanna's)
See? (B'Elanna walks out,
shaking her head)
P: Finally, B'Elanna.
First contact.
B: (laughing) Thomas Eugene Paris! How dare you!
P: Please, Saj, what did
you expect? We're talking about ME
B: Holodeck two was open.
I put in a program of Harry's that
I talked to him about
a few days ago. (Reaches into closet,
and pulls out two leather
pouches. Tosses Tom one, and steps
into the bathroom.) I'll
be right back.
P: What is- (opens bundle, and reveals a loincloth.) O-kay.
B: (Opens door.) Tom?
P: What? (turns and looks at B'Elanna.) Oo-la-la!
B: Me Jane. You?
P: I don't get it.
B: An ancient Earth novel.
It's called Tarzan. Remember?
Harry says he told you
about it.
P: Oh. Duh.
B: What?
P: Ancient late 1990's
slang. Remember? In San Fransisco
(they beam to holodeck
two, and begin to play out the love
scene between Tarzan
and Jane.)
J: Looks like this is
gonna be a hell of a storm. Janeway to
Paris. (pause)
Janeway to Tom Paris. Come in, Lieutenant.
(pause) Janeway
to Torres. (pause) Janeway to B'Elanna
Torres. Come in
Lieutenant. (pause) Damn! Computer, locate
the newlyweds.
C: Rephrase the question
J: Locate Lts. Tom and B'Elanna Paris.
C: Lt. B'Elanna Paris
and Lt. Thomas Paris are on Holodeck
two, without communication
J: Ensign Rollins, use
a skeletal lock to beam them to my
ready room. (turns
to walk in)
Ch: Are you sure about
that Kathryn? If I know Tom and
J: I know, Chakotay. It'll be fine.
H: Excuse me, Captain.
(she stops and looks at him.) Um, I
know what program they're
running, and I believe you should
J: Which, Mr. Kim?
H: Tarzan. Specifically
the best part, at least the way Tom
put it.
J: Thank you Mr. Kim.
I've read it. I know which part you
mean. (walks into
her ready room and taps her commbadge.)
Energize. (Tom
and B'Elanna materialize in Janeway's ready
P: (nude with gashes on
arms and forehead.) What the-Captain!
(salutes as he sees Janeway.
Then he edges behind B'Elanna.)
B: (still half dressed.)
Is there a-a problem? (belatedly)
J: (holding back a giggle)
In case you hadn't noticed, we're
headed into a large storm
cloud. Tuvok estimates a lot of
damages to our ship,
and I need the best of the best at their
stations. Also,
even though this is not Borg space, Tuvok
has also found there
to be a lot of borg activity around this
area. (looks at
Tom) I need you at the helm, and (looks at
B'Elanna) you in
Both: Aye, Captain.
J: Good. (Sits down
behind her desk, and starts to read the
P: (a moment later) Can we go now?
J: (looks up) Oh,
excuse me. You're dismissed. (looks back
at her work)
B: Uh, Captain? (looks at Tom)
J: Yes?
B: (formally) permission for an inter-ship beaming
J: (looks up and hides a smile) Whatever for?
B: (looks at Tom) Well if you don't mind walking around-
P: (steps up beside B'Elanna
and makes her look at him) I DO
J: (looks Tom up and down.
Tom steps back behind B'Elanna.)
I see. Fine.
Permission granted.
B: (sighs in relief )
Ensign Rollins, beam me and Lt. Paris
to our quarters.
R: Aye, Lt. Energizing.
(Tom and B'Elanna materialize on
the bridge.)
B: (growls) Ensign!
R: I apologize, Lt.
We're still having problems with the
B: This is NOT my day. Come on, Tom. Let's go get dressed.
P: Chakotay, I'm pulling
Marital Status on you. Beam me to
my quarters NOW!
Ch: We're not in the Maquis anymore, Tom. You can't do that!
J: Commander, calm down.
I like that Lt. Torres and Lt.
Paris are, for lack of
a better word, smitten. It gives this
ship some variety.
And if we don't train the children (Tom
and B'Elanna look at
each other and blush) We'll never get
home. Try to beam
them to their quarters again, Ensign. Mr.
Tuvok, what do you think
about what I just said?
Tu: I, too, Captain, believe
it logical to have children, as
the Doctor can only keep
us alive so long. And, while it was
discovered on Earth in
the late 20th century how to clone, the
laws are, while rather
outdated, in effect.
J: Quite right.
Commander, why are they still on my bridge?
(Ship shakes, as if hit
by a phaser blast ) Report!
Ch: A Borg ship came out
of nowhere, Captain. It's fired on
us. There are heavy
casualties on decks 5-8, and Engineering
is reporting power surges,
and power loss. We've lost all
Transporter capability.
J: Damn! (taps commbadge)
Janeway to Voyager crew. Battle
stations. (Tom
goes to the helm, and B'Elanna runs to the
turbolift. It doesn't
open, so she runs straight into it.
Ship is hit again.)
B: OW! Captain, permission to detour to my quarters!
J: (looks at her
briefly) Granted! (B'Elanna runs to the
nearest Jeffries tube
and starts climbing.) She's fast.
P: So I've found.
J: Mr. Paris, please concentrate
on your duties. Mr. Tuvok,
Where is the Borg ship
Tu: The Borg Cube is going
back to Borg space. Correction,
it is headed this way,
bearing ___________.
H: We are being hailed by the Borg. Audio only.
J: Put it on.
Borg: It is required that
our drone be returned. We will
rondevou with your ship
at the following coordinates. Return
drone 7 of 9, or be destroyed.
(Message terminated)
P: They seem fairly harmless. All they want is Harry's-
H and 7: Tom!
P: Never mind.
J: Gentlemen! We're
not waiting around to be assimilated.
Mr. Paris, take us out
of here. Warp 5. Ensign Kim, what
did Lt. Paris Mean?
Your what?
H: It's a long story, Captain.
Ch: I'll tell her if you want, Ensign.
H: NO! I-I mean-not necessary.
I'll have a report to you by
0800 hours.
J: Good Mr. Kim.
Mr. Paris, we seem to be out of danger.
You may leave.
7: I'll escort you to your quarters, Lt.
P: No need, Seven.
I'm being beamed there. Isn't that
right, Chakotay?
Ch: (taps commbadge)
Chakotay to B'Elanna Torres. Do we
have Transporters yet?
B: In about 3 minutes,
Commander. (pauses) Tell Tom for me.
Torres out.
P: I think I'll just perfect this course until she's ready.
J: Understood, Lt.
Commander, in my ready room. Mr. Tuvok,
you have the bridge.
(they walk into her ready room.)
B: Torres to Janeway.
We have transporters back on line,
J: Good work, B'Elanna.
Tell Tuvok, then you may beam Tom to
your quarters.
B: Aye, Captain. Torres out. Torres to Tuvok.
P: Yes, Lt.?
B: Transporters are back on-line.
P: You may energize, Lt.
B: Energizing. (Tom
dematerializes.) Torres out. Carey I'm
leaving. Don't
mess up my warp drive while I'm gone.
Ca: Acknowledged, Lt.
(B'Elanna leaves and goes to her
quarters. She enters
her quarters, and sees Tom on the bed,
back in his uniform.)
P: Well, that was embarrassing.
B: Incredibly.
P: Where were we?
Ch: I agree. But
Kathryn, we need to realize that Seven
really doesn't want to
go back as much as she used to.
J: If we are near Borg
activity, we at least need to give her
the option. If
we don't, we might run into the same thing we
ran into last time, and
the time we met her. We only have
one shuttlecraft left,
Commander. We can't afford to lose
it. We also can't
afford to lose the trust Seven has given
us. We told her
we would tell her when we were near a Cube,
and I intened to hold
Ch: Seven has made friends
here, Kathryn. Harry, Tom,
B'Elanna, and a lot of
crew members. If we give her the
option, of going back
to the Borg, she might take it. That
would ruin the self-esteem
and the hope she's brought this
ship. As much as
we can't lose her trust, we can't really
lose her.
J: (thinks for a moment)
Nice speech, Chakotay. I will take
your advice, and not
tell her. For the moment. But I must
ask Mistro. He
will give me advice, and I will definately
consider it.
Ch: Understood.
J: I'd like to call an
officer's meeting for 1000 hours,
including Seven.
I will be giving her rank of Ensign, if you
Ch: Given the circumstances, are you sure that's wise?
J: Am I sure what's wise, Chakotay?
Ch: Having her become
an officer. At least while we have
Borg in the area.
I don't want any of the races in this
Quadrant to know everything
about the Federation, including
the Borg. They
don't know anything about us that's
completely up to date.
I'd like to keep it that way.
J: Commander, we will
be running into Borg our whole way
home. I will not
have the Borg manipulate my decisions to
the point that I can't
run my ship. But I will check with
the Doctor to see if
there is still a chance that Seven will
be drawn back to the
collective. If there is, I will wait
out the prsence of the
Borg, and make sure she doen't react.
If she does, I will consider
your request. If there isn't,
or she doesn't, I will
move along with the ceremony.
Ch: Aye, Captain.
J: Dismissed. (Chakotay leaves)
J: (walks into infirmory) Doctor, I must speak with you.
D: (materializes)
Please state the nature of the Medical
Emergency. Ah,
Captain. How nice of you to stop by.
J: Doctor, I need to know
if it is possible Seven will react
to being near Borg by
"sprouting" implants again.
D: I don't see why there
should be. She hasn't "sprouted"
any since we were in
contact with the Raven. If I recall, we
have encountered a number
of semi-functional cubes since
then. May I ask
why you need to know? I seem to be left out
of the loop a lot around
J: We're working on that,
Doctor. But in answer to your
question, there is a
Borg vessel wandering around, and it has
sensed a drone on our
ship. It specifically said we must
return it to the collective,
or be destroyed. We were just
wondering if there was
any real threat to us, besides being
shot at. Chakotay
was afraid she might start to turn into a
Borg drone again.
D: I see no reason why
she should. She is not supposed to
use her regeneration
cell anymore. She is solely dependant
on ingestation.
We've taken out all but the necessary Borg
implants. I don't
believe she'll grow anymore.
J: Thank you Doctor.
I've made my decision. (walks out)
Ch: It's not like B'Elanna
to be late for a meeting. Tom,
maybe, but not B'Elanna.
J: (Walks in) I
can't find those two anywhere. I asked Lt.
Carey where B'Elanna
went, and he said reflector controls. I
went there, but all I
found were two communicators.
H: She said to tell you
she was working in the holdeck on a
new program that will
tell her if the nerw repairs on the
warp core are going to
hold. Tom was down there helping her
calculate the distance
toward home, and helping with a couple
other things. I'll go
get them. They're in Holodeck two.
(stands up to leave)
J: No, Ensign, sit down.
I have a better idea. Computor,
patch my voice through
to holdeck two, and multiply it 100
times. Tom.
B'Elanna. Get to thisofficer's meeting NOW!
B: (gasps in pain, puts
hands up to her ears, colapses, and
says) OW! Aye,
Captain. We're on our way. Torres out. I
guess Harry didn't give
her the message.
P: (Helping B up, then
they leave with the Warp Core program
still running.)
What did you have him tell her?
B: (Walking into Turbolift)
Bridge. No one was able to find
her, including the computor.
So I told Hary to tell her
where we were and what
we were doing. But since our
communicators weren't
working, no one could find us either.
So I guess she got frusterated.
P: (rubbing his ears) I noticed.
B: Well, anyways, while
you were geting the program ready, I
left our communicators
in Engineering. But apparently, a lot
of the back-up communicators
aren't working either, and there
weren't any good ones
available. We only had the ships
inter-comm system to
work with, and that's not very reliable
at the moment.
P: You could've told me
that! (quieter) We could've had a
lot of fun all by ourselves.
B: Tom! We were working!
P: Sorry.
B: No you're not, but
I forgive you. (T and B walk into
ready room.) Sorry.
Ensign Kim, didn't you repeat the
H: Yes Lt. But they
misinterpreted the communicators in
J: Lt. Torres, explain.
B: No one could find the
Captain, and the computor wasn't
able to locate you, so
we went to the Holodeck, leaving a
message with Ensign Kim
of where we were.
J: What do you mean, no
one could find me? I was in my ready
room, talking with Chakotay.
P: (snikers) Really? Talking you say?
J: Mr Paris, that's enough.
You are confined to quarters
until I believe you can
control yourself enough to report to
your duties. Dismissed.
P: (blushes) Aye, Captain (walks out)
Ch: Neelix, have you seen
anyone else making fun of the
N: (coughs) Yes, Mr. Chakotay.
I'm not naming names, but one
of the Ensigns in Charting
has been making some quite funny-
well, not to me- I mean-
B: We get the picture.
Stop now, before you dig yourself in
Ch: You've answered my
question, Neelix. Thank you. Captain
please excuse my interruption.
J: It's fine, Commander.
Now, if you will give me a moment,
I have to gather my thoughts.
(They sit in silence for a
moment, and then H starts
patting his uniform as if looking
for something.)
Ch: Is there a problem, Ensign?
H: Actually, Commander,
I was wondering if anyone had a
tuning fork. (Everyone
thinks for a moment)
7: I don't belive they understand your referance, Harry.
B: Looks like it.
Whenever my parents or my
fought before dinner,
it was always quietmy mothe would joke
that she thought she
could hold a tuning fork in the air, and
it would start vibrating
from the tension. (shrugs) So I
thought maybe I could
try it.
Tu: Ensign, that is an
Earth superstition. While it may be a
humorous statement, it
is hardly true.
N: I think Ensign Kim
realizes that, Mr. Vulcan. He's just
trying to be funny.
Surely you you understand humor.
Tu: I understand humor,
Mr. Neelix. My culture is not
without humor.
It takes years of concentration to acheive
the level of logic that
my people have accomplished.
Ch: We know, Tuvok.
I don't think Neelix wants a detailed
description of every
"complete logic" course you've taken.
Tu: I understand that,
Commander. I was merely trying to
point out-
B: (Up to this point,
just sitting and watching the the
conflict unfold.
Snorts) Men
Ch: Would you care to explain that statement, Lt.?
B: Not really.
Ch: Humor me.
B: You men are always fighting over the stupidest things.
Ch: For example?
B: Whether or not Harry's
joke would work. What Vulcans feel
and understand. Whether
or not we want to hear Tuvok's life
story. It's pointless.
And frankly, I'd like to get back to
the meeting and get this
overwith as soon as possible. Tom
and I haven't had ten
minutes together, and we've been
married at least 20 hours.
Tu: Correction, Lt.-
B: I don't want to hear
it. Captain, if we aren't going to
get on with this, I'm
leaving, and I'm going to stay in my
quarters until I feel
good and ready to come out.
J: This meeting isn't
going anywhere. You're all dismissed.
Mr. Neelix, I'd like
you to stay and speak with me a moment.
N: Aye, Captain. (Everyone leaves)
H: B'Elanna, I'm sorry
if that Holodeck program caused any
B: Save it, Harry. Talk to me later.
H: See you later.
Do you want me to tell you when they've
rescheduled that meeting?
I don't think I'll be able to
understand what you were
doing enough to explain it to the
B: Would you? That would be great. Now if you'll excuse me... (Walks into turbolift)
H: (turns around and bumps into 7) Seven! What a surprise!
7: I was hoping we could talk. (smiles)
H: I'd love to. Join me on the holodeck?
7: I have a better idea.
Follow me. (walks into turbolift,
followed by Harry.
The doors close, and the sound of Harry
saying "oo-la-la!" is
J: (appears on the bridge)
Ensign Rollins, how are the
repairs coming?
R: We are almost up to full manuverability, Captain.
J: Good. Janeway to Engineering.
Ca: Carey here, Captain.
J: Do we have full warp capacity yet, Lt.?
Ca: No captain.
We need about three more hours. But we
could have it sone sooner
if B'Elanna was down here.
J: No, Lt. As much
as I want my ship running smoothly, I
won't do that.
Besides, I have a feel ing no one would be
able to get her down
there anyway.
Ca: Good point, Captain. Carey out.
R: Captain, I'm detecting
a Borg Cube in the area. Bearing
__________. It's
powering it's weapons, but it looks like
all they have is their
disruptor beam.
J: Brace for impact. (Weapons hit the ship)
7: (weapons hit the ship
again. Turbolift stops, and lights
go out) What was
H: I don't kow, (tries
the doors) but it looks like we're
stuck in here.
7: And this is a bad thing?
H: Maybe not, but they'll need me on the bridge.
7: Well, as long as we're
stuck here, we may as well make the
best of it. (Smooch)
Janeway to Tom Paris.
P: What?
J: This is your Captain, Luitenant.
P: Fine. What Captain?
J: (sighs) Tom, we need
you to get us out of danger. I doubt
you've noticed, but we
were hit with a Borg disruptor beam.
P: I noticed. Both
me and B'Elanna- nevermind. Besides,
Captain. (smugly)
I thought I was confined to quarters.
J: Lt., if you keep speaking
to me that way, I'm going to
confine you to the Brig!
Now get your ass down here! (ship
is hit again) NOW!
P: Aye, Captain. Paris out.
B: I guess I may as well
be in Engineering. (Ship is hit
again. B falls
down, and there is a large cracking sound)
P: What was that?
B: (growls) My leg.
It's broken. I guess I won't be going
to Engineering.
P: Paris to Janeway.
J: Why aren't you down here yet, Mr. Paris?
P: B'Elanna broke her
leg in that last blast. I'm taking her
to sick bay, then I'll
be there.
J: We'll beam her there Lt. Just get down here.
Ch: Transporters are off-line, Captain.
J: Damn! Make it quick, Tom. Janeway out.
B: Go on. Help me up, and I'll go by myself.
P: I'm not letting you walk on it.
B: You don't have a choice.
If you don't fly this ship,
we'll never make it home
P: I'll take that as a
compliment. But I trust Ensign
to keep us alive until
I'm there. Now hold still.
B: Why? (Tom picks
her up.) What are you doing? Put me
down! (Starts hitting
P: No. Stop hitting me.
B: (stops) I thought you liked to be hit.
P: Not right now.
(Walks into sickbay. Sits her on a
bed,and says to Doc.)
Fix her leg. (Kisses B) Later. (Walks
P: (walks onto bridge)
So, Ensign. I see you managed to
keep my ship in a reasonably
manuverable condition. Thank
you. (sits in his
seat. sighs) O-kay. Let's get away from
these bastards.
R: Captain, the Borg are hailing us again. Audio only.
J: Put it on, Mr. Rollins.
Borg: You have been warned.
Return drone 7 of 9, or you will
be assimalated. Resistance
is futile. (Message terminated)
J: Is there any way to shut them up?
TU: I do not believe so
Captain. The Borg are a collective,
and, in essence, one
mind. They are also like Vulcans, and
have no-
J: Tuvok, shut the hell up.
Tu: Aye, Captain. My apologies.
J: Chakotay, get the senior
officers in my ready room. I
want to talk to them
before the Borg come back.
Ch: Aye, Captain.
(pushes buttons on his arm rest. Taps
Comm badge) Chakotay
to Seven.
7: Yes, Commander?
Ch: Have you seen Harry?
7: Yes, Commander. (chuckles guietly)
Ch: Could you find him, and tell him to contact me.
7: Yes, Commander. (murmurs in the back ground) Quiet!
Ch: What was that?
7: Nothing, Commander. I'll tell him.
Ch: Thank you, Seven. Chakotay out.
H: (seconds later) Kim
to Chakotay. What did you need?
(giggles in the background.)
Ch: Ensign Kim, report
to the Captain's ready room
H: Um, there's one problem
thjat will keep me from doing
that, Commander.
Ch: What, Ensign?
H: I'm stuck in the turbolift.
Ch: What?! How?
H: In one one of the first
blasts, the turbolift stopped. It
looks like we're between
decks 5 and 6. But neither of us
can get the doors open.
Ch: Use the emergency
grip. It's in the panel under the
manuel controls.
H: It's not there, Commander.
We've looked behind every
loose bulkhead. There's
nothing in here.
Ch: Fine, Ensign.
We'll get you out as soon as possible.
Chakotay out.
J: Chakotay, I've noticed
something. The Borg Cube shoots
two blasts of their disruptor
beam, then moves out of
transporter range.
Why is that?
Ch: I don't know, captain.
Maybe they want to make sure
Seven isn't injured.
J: Get Seven in here now.
Ch: (on comm link) Ensign Kim, where is Seven?
H: Oh, um, she's in here, too.
Ch: I'm not going to ask.
H: Please don't.
J: Chakotay, are transporters back on-line?
Ch: Yes, Captain.
J: Janeway to Transporter
Room three. Seven and Ensign Kim
are in turbolift <#>.
Beam them to the bridge.
Tr. Rm. 3: The transporters
are still malfuntioning, Captain.
I can't gurantee they'll
be on the bridge on the first try.
J: Try, Ensign.
(Kim and 7 materialize on the bridge. They
look at each other, blush,
and look away.) Thank you, Ensign.
Janeway out. Seven
why are the Borg hitting us twice then
backing off?
7: I do not know.
In my time as a Borg, we never encountered
a situation like this.
J: O-kay. Harry,
there is an officer's meeting, and I want
that report in two hours,
as promised.
H: What report?
J: The one you promised me earlier.
H: Oh, yeah. I mean, Yes Captain. Two hours. Understood.
J: It looks like the Borg
are coming in for another pass.
Mr. Kim, scan the Borg
ship and tell me if you detect a
dramatic drop in the
Ship's weapons array when it hits us.
(Ship is hit)
H: Yes, Captain.
I'm detecting a 60% power loss, then it
rises 20 %. It
will hit us again in 5 seconds. (Ship is
hit, Borg ship runs.)
J: Janeway to all senior
officers. Report to my ready room
immediatly. Janeway
to sickbay. How is B'Elanna's leg
coming, Doctor?
D: Not good, Captain.
Her leg is fractuered severly enough
that none of my instruments
can repair it. Not fully. I've
repaired it as much as
I can, but I had to resort to Old
Earth tactics by putting
on a plaster cast. But she can't
walk on it, because she
has a hairline fracture in her other
leg that I can't repair.
I had to wrap it, too.
J: Tom, go get her, and be quick about it.
P: Aye, Captain. (Walks out)
B: (Tom walks into ready
room carrying B) I feel
incredibally stupid.
J: Good, your here.
Lt. Torres, is our Warp Core going to
B: I believe so, Captain.
(Goes into a long speal of techno-
babble. Everyone
looks at her blankly.) I other words, it
will if we aren't attacked
by the Borg again. (Ship is hit)
That was too much to
hope for. (Everyone walks onto bridge,
Tom carrying B)
J: Tom. Helm. Now.
P: (Lays B on deck and
walks to the helm.) Executing evcasive
manuvers, Captain.
(Ship is hit) Seven, any ideas why
you're so important?
(Glances at H) To the Borg, I mean.
J: Mr. Paris, request
permision next time you want to talk.
Seven, please answer
his question.
7: I am unable to assume
an answer, Captain. This is highly
unusual activity for
the Borg. I have retained all knowledge
of Borg activities.
I also do not sense the Collective.
Ch: You're not Borg, anymore,
Seven. You're Human now. You
won't hear the Collective
again, except in your heart.
7: I understand that,
Commander. But I have always been
able to sense the Collective
when they are near. I can't
sense them right now.
Not strongly enough to be from that
J: Are you saying there aren't Borg on that ship?
7: I don't believe there
is, Captain. I feel the Collective,
but not from there. (Closes
her eyes. Sees flashes of her
running on Earth.
Opens her eyes.) Hail them.
H:Captain? (J nods)
Hailing the Borg Cube. They're
responding. Audio
Borg: (One voice, not
many in Harmony) Return drone 7 of 9
or be destroyed respond.
7: This is drone 7 of
9. What do you want with me? (Pict of
Borg lady with only a
few Borg implants appears on the
BL: Annika? I that you? Baby, it's Mommy!
7: Mommy? (closes her eyes)
BL: Yes, it's Mommy.
Come on. Come back to us, and we'll
explain it all.
7: (Eyes pop open) No.
BL: No? Sweetie, what
do you mean, No? Annika, I missed your
whole childhood.
Please, let's just get you over here, and
we'll talk about it.
7: I- I can't. I
don't know you. You're not my mother. I'm
staying here. (Pict
goes away)
Borg: (In Borg Harmony
voice) 7 of 9. You are required to
return to the Borg.
Resistance is futile. (Message
terminated. Borg
ship moves out of weapon's range.)
J: Mr. Paris, take us
out of here. Full impulse. Mr. Kim,
keep the view screen
on the Borg ship. (As soon as it looks
like Voyager is out of
harm's way, the Borg ship blows up.)
7: I belive I will go
to my quarters. (Walks to Jeffries
tube and starts climbing.)
H: Captain, permission to-
J: Granted, Mr. Kim. But I still want that report.
H: Aye, Captain.
(Walks to same Jeffries tube and starts
climbing after 7)
J: Tom, B'Elanna, get
off my bridge. You two, (smiles) are
confined to your quarters,
or to the Holodeck, with your own
program, until 0500 tomorrow
morning. Understood? (T and B
smile at each other)
P: Undertood. (Walks
over and picks up B, and says) are
Turbolifts working yet?
Ch: Yes, Lt.
P: Thank you. (Walks into Turbolift, doors close.)
N: So, Seven, I'm glad
you chose to stay. But why did you?
I thought you wanted
to go back to the Borg.
7: I did. But my
human instincts told me not to. Besides,
(smiles at H) I've made
friends here.
Feedback: stvbratpack2002@hotmail.com